Tag Archives: Mountie

RCMP Member’s Assistance To Senior Recognized

      The news media are quick to report on the poor judgement of a few RCMP members but fail to outline that the majority of the Force members remain dedicated to serving their communities.  The countless good deeds seem to go unrecognized.       Veteran Ken Hollas received the following letter and […]

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Book Review: “COP: Forty-Three Years In The RCMP”

        Veteran Bill Sharp has recently published a book on his experiences in the RCMP.         When asked why he wrote the book, Bill responded – “I was laying in the hospital reflecting on my 43 years of service in the RCMP.  With plenty of time on my hands, […]

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New Book: RCMP Manual of Horsemanship

      Veteran Don Klancher has just completed another one of his well researched book on the Force.  As many Veterans and historican are well aware, Don’s books are recognized a key references for collectors and museums. All of his book contain detail not publicly known.     This new book entitled “Royal Canadian […]

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Sgt. Richard H. Nicholson

    Richard Nicholson left his mark on the RCMP and this tribute highlights his life and notable milestones:      – first Force chauffeur;      – provides an example of the financial strains placed on members with a family and the lack of universal health care; and     – being the 49th […]

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Mystery Solved: Cpl. A. Wilson

  On August 23, 2013, we sought RCMP Veterans assistance in identifying a Force members illustrated in a painting entitled “Corporal A.J. Wilson & Flicker his horse.”  The artist was Robert Elmer Lougheed.     This painting mystery was brought to us by one of our Vancouver Division sponsors – Al Merriman of Remax Realty […]

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Dedicated To Memory of Constable Adrian Oliver

          The following poem was created by Veteran Wayne Ryan in tribute to Constable Adrian Oliver:       Constable Adrian Oliver  A young man dead too early Two families bound in grief One family loved for many years The other’s time too brief   One family made of parents And […]

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The Mountie Shop

      The Mountie Shop is operated by the RCMP Foundations. IN 1994, the RCMP Foundation was created to ensure the RCMP brand was reflective of the calibre and dignity of the Force and to market this brand to a larger audience.     Today, approved Official Licensees produce a wide and growing line […]

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Cpl. Ernest Pasley’s Contributions

      Ernest Pasley joined the Force as a young man seeking travel and adventure.  While in the Force, he contributed to the Force’s presence in the Arctic and was selected to be the original skipper for the RCMP’s “St. Roch”         BACKGROUND Ernest Pasley was born on September 12, 1889 […]

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History of the RCMP Musical Ride

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has become a symbol of our country and is the only national police department in the world to receive this recognition. The courage, sacrifice and steadfast determination of Force members to maintain law and order have been the source of many legends, movies and books. The image of RCMP […]

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Respected B.C. Lawyer: Sends Tribute to RCMP Members

        Our Vancouver Division President, Dick Hawkshaw, received a message based our webpage entitled “Canada Day – The Perspective of A Mountie.”  The message was from a respected British Columbia Crown Counsel lawyer and the content of the message is as follows:   Nearly all of my legal career was as a […]

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