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Centre of Clinical Excellence

The Advocacy and Support of RCMP Veterans is a primary function for the Veterans Association(s) and in the Vancouver area we have found a great support through this centre which is located in the Royal Canadian Legion in Surrey (Whalley), BC, which is formally known as the Legion Veterans Village.  Links to this group and […]

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Membership Director for the Association

Subject: Seeking your assistance to identify a Membership Director for the Association. Sent on behalf of Sandra Conlin Division Presidents I am providing this message to you to seek your assistance in finding a suitable member from your collective divisions to take on a critical role as our Membership Director and fill the vacant Directors position on the […]

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RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division – July 2023 Newsletter

Click in the link below to read the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division July 2023 Newsletter:

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How Important are Wills and Estate Planning for Canadians?

Click  on the link below to read “How important are wills and estate planning for Canadians?”:  

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Volunteer position on Board for the Canadian Centre on Substance Use (CCSA)

Good afternoon, D/Commr. Gary Bass is seeking interest for an opportunity for the Board for the Canadian Centre on Substance Use (CCSA). This is a volunteer position though travel expenses are covered and there is a $5K per year educational provision. This would be best suited for a senior retired member with drug-related investigative experience. […]

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Volunteers Needed – Langley Meals on Wheels

Volunteers Needed   Hello, I am reaching out to you today to ask if you think any of your retirees might be interested in driving to deliver meals for us here at Langley Meals on Wheels? We have 10 Routes that span Langley City and Langley Township that we deliver to daily Monday to Friday. […]

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Job Opportunity – RCMP Retired Members

  March – 2023 Job Opportunity for Retired RCMP Members –  Please share this with your membership and ask them to share it with others who may be interested in this type of opportunity. Glen SIEGERSMA Chief Administration Officer /Chef de l’administration Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veterans Association/ Association des vétérans de la Gendarmerie royale […]

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150 Celebration

PSAC Strike – Impact on Veterans Affairs Canada

  April 21 – 2023 This afternoon, along with other military and FSNA representatives, I met with Deputy Minister, Veterans Affairs Canada, Paul Ledwell, via video.  The main topic of discussion was the impact of the Public service strike on Veterans Affairs Canada services. In essence: 75% of VAC employees are members of the striking […]

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The Quarterly

  The Quarterly Legacy, Learning, Sharing You will love the variety of topics covered! The Quarterly aims to keep the police community of the past and present connected and to continue to build on the legacy. While we can learn from what others did before us, we can also leave something behind for future generations. […]

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