Tag Archives: Mounted Police

C/S/Major George Frederick Griffin

    One of the most colourful and noteable Corps Sergeant Majors was ‘Tim’ George Frederick  Griffin. He was born on February 3 1883 at Everton England. At the age of 16,  he joined the Imperial 18th Hussar and served in this regiment for 12 years.  At the time of his discharge, he had gained the […]

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Sergeant D. G. Holmes

  For the month of May 2012, Joe Healey (National RCMP Gravesite database) website is paying tribute to the late Sergeant D.G. Holmes (Reg. #23464). Check out this tribute for Sergeant Holmes and other tributes at the National RCMP Gravesite database.                

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A/Commissioner Thomas Caulkin

    Thomas Cauklin distinguished himself in everything he did.  Regardless of the challenge or hardship, he remained a dedicated member of the Force. In 1919, he was the first member of the Force to receive the Kings’ Police Medal which was commonly referred to as the  “policeman’s Victoria Cross.”         Thomas […]

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Arrested Nazi SS Major – Update

    In the April #2 website update, we published Veteran Jack Randle’s story about back in May 1969 how he and other members of Surrey Detachment arrested an individual who gave his name as Frank Willow.  While in the subject’s house, the members noticed a photograph of the subject in a military uniform.  When […]

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  Constable John Vincent Stinson joined the Force in September 1914 and was assigned the Regimental Number 6256. His basic training took place at the Regina Indian School barracks and he was a member of Troop #3 (1914-1915).  At the time, this temporary training barracks was established to train 120 new recruits. After the graduation […]

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1915 Musical Ride

The Musical Ride that we are all familiar with started off as displays of horsemanship in 1876 and the first official Musical Ride was held in 1887.  In subsequent years, the Force would put on public displays of horsemenship and were well received.  In those early days, Force members were not known as the “Mounties” […]

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Sgt. John Stinson

    John V. Stinson was a typical young Ontario man looking for a sense of adventure in Westeran Canada or any where else. Every member contributes their own to the Force’s history.  In John Stinson’s case, he acquired acquired photographs of his time in the Force.  His photo collection of the Force in Siberia […]

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Fairmont Barracks

Over the years, there have been many enquires about the origin of Fairmont Barracks, located at 33rd and Heather in Vancouver.  Here is a brief outline of the history of this famous landmark. Fairmont was built in 1912 to serve as a private boy’s school.  The Federal Government purchased it in 1918 to use as […]

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Canadian Riots

  The most recent riots in Montreal raised much discussion at a local Koffee Klatch with some retired RCMP Veterans and their involvement in some of the most recent Canadian riots. Historically, riots have been a means for groups of individuals to protect their objections to a wide range of issues.  By definition, a riot […]

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Part 6 – “B” Squadron RNWMP

The activities of “B” Squadron RNWMP and their activities are provided below and includes of members who were there. The history of the Squadron is provided in this comprehensive historical account of the Squadron’s creation, deployment, activities, challenges and return to Canada, their story is being broken down into six parts: Part 1 – How […]

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