Quebec Division On the Street
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Members Helping Members

Manny LeBlanc, a City of Moncton By-Law enforcement officer and Cst. Christy Elliott, of the Codiac Regional RCMP will be doing foot patrols down Main Street in Moncton
This information is being provided to all Association Members
The Memory of Quebec Division Chaplain, Father Emmett Johns “Pops”
Dear Association Members,
In their ongoing charity work as was seen in their work with “A Home for Life”, Quebec Division has also contributed to the “On The Street” charity which also deals with homeless youth and youth at risk.
“On The Street” was founded by Quebec Division’s former chaplain, Father Emmett Johns who unfortunately passed in 2018.
Quebec Division’s work in the field of charity is most laudable and represents a clear example of the selflessness of the members of our Association.
The full story follows.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
On Remembrance Day, in addition to paying tribute to all Canadian Veterans and Veterans of this Division who have turned 80 years young, the RCMPVA Qué. is also particularly proud to support the non-profit organization “Dans la rue” (On the street).
“Dans la rue is the only organization in Montreal which takes a multifaceted approach to respond to the needs of homeless youth and youth at risk. Your donation funds the services and programs (van, emergency shelter, school, employability, psychologists, nurses, apartments, family services, etc.) adapted to the youths’ needs.
” This organization was founded by Father Emmett Johns “Pops”. At the time his death in 2018 at 89 years old, he was our division Chaplain.
Therefore, Mrs. Cecile Arbaud, Executive Director of “Dans la rue” was invited to join us at our meeting.
Our Vice President and Treasurer presented her with a donation of $2000 to help with to services provided by the organization and honor Father Pops’ memory.
This amount comes from dues, sales of badges and 50/50 draws.

Robert Boivin Recruiting, Mrs Cécile Arbaud, André Ramsay Treasurer and Vice President Denis Martel