Further Observations on VAC
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Members Helping Members
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Some More Thoughts on VAC from Our Members
Dear Association Members,
We are pleased to have received some more commentary on the RCMP/RCMPVA-VAC relationship and it is provided below.
Again, the willingness of our members to come forward with their experiences which may prove very helpful to other members is greatly appreciated as is their permission to publish this material.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
I too have had my fair share of difficulties with VAC. Mostly because I was never informed of what I was entitled to. Most of my own problems resulted from an improperly diagnosed shoulder and neck injury as a result of training at Depot.
I discovered some eight years later, that I had shattered my shoulder joint and severely injured my neck and spine during training.
I have suffered with serious pain, discomfort and restricted movement since training. The symptoms have become worse each year and are now chronic.
My problems have since developed into several additional consequential problems. My hero was a lady lawyer from the Bureau of Pensioners Advocate. This agency is free and never seems to be mentioned in any Communiques.
The Pensioners Advocate are lawyers, within VAC, who work for you, not VAC. They are lawyers with considerable knowledge about the in’s and out’s regarding VAC and VAC Benefits.
They are not just independent representatives with good advice, but will legally represent you at VAC Hearings.
The Pensioners Advocate listened to me, reviewed my Medical file, researched my case, made recommendations and represented me at my VAC hearings. Very effectively I might add.
I was years battling VAC for one problem or another. Once I received advice and help from my Advocate, my case was resolved within weeks. My Advocate’s comments to me was, “It is a good thing that ALL your injuries are well documented. Many military and RCMP members did not report injuries. It is very hard to battle for a benefit if an injury is not documented”.
Subsequently, my advice to new and existing members is, report ALL of your injuries, no matter how trivial. Don’t worry about the suck it up buttercup attitude that you might get from others. Including your peers and superiors. Your injury might turn into something serious later in life.
As I mentioned, I was never properly told about what benefits I was entitled to at retirement. I had a two day retirement course about how to invest my retirement money and what my spouse would get when I died. I was certainly never told about the many things that VAC could do for me.
If I was to make one recommendation, it would be that the HSO for each Division, reviews the health file of each Member retiring, with that member; for the purpose of discussing their health and unreported injuries, letting each retiring member know what injuries could be a potential problem in the future, what existing health conditions exist that could be the result of a work related injury and which injuries should be immediately reported to VAC with the view of filing for a Veterans Disability Benefit.
I know of many members that suffer from work related injuries, PTSD and hearing problems that are unaware of just what help and benefits are available from VAC.
I retired from the force in 1997 for many reasons. The biggest reason being the pain that I had to face daily. To-day, I still live with pain. Some days its better some days its worse. I am not going to take narcotics on a daily basis just to create another problem. However, thanks to the benefits that I receive from VAC, I receive therapy from a variety of sources that keep the pain under control.
I can’t dump on VAC for not helping me, because they have. But I can dump on the RCMP for not properly informing me of just what I was entitled to, for not representing me, for not directing me to the appropriate help.
It is wonderful what is currently happening with VAC, the RCMP Vets and the Force, because the RCMP is actually doing something now to support vets with work related injuries and issues. It is a shame that we had to wait so long for it to happen.
Pete Phillips “O” Division
Kingston Division
Hello folks
I have nothing but positive comments about VAC.
I am a recipient of a pension for my hearing and all my apparatus including batteries are paid for without hesitation.
I am impressed on how accommodating and helpful they are on the phone when you are in doubts about something.
I feel that someone care when I call.
VAC are there for us and will assist in anyway they can.
I am living proof of that, so if you are in doubt about a medical issue and feel it may be attributed from work, given them a call.
The worst that they can say is, we will send you forms and ask you to have a medical staff complete them. Then they will evaluate your situation.
Francois Henri « C and D Div. »
Quebec Division