Wildlife Rescue Association Volunteer: Truck Full Of Birds





Both within the Force and in retirement, individuals unselfishly volunteer their services to enrich their communities.






One such individual is Veteran Perry Edwards. He and his family volunteer their time with the Wildlife Rescue Association.

According to Perry, “a record-setting Wildlife Rescue transport day for Ryder & dad with a total of eleven birds picked up and transported to the Care Centre at Burnaby Lake today: five gulls; two pigeons; one crow; one MacGillivray’s Warbler; one Virginia Rail and one White-Crowned Sparrow.

seagull warbler



Our tenth bird was also WRA’s 4200th patient of 2015 (4000 used to be a busy full year not so long ago!).”

He further outlined “I can certainly say that one almost invariably encounters “the good side” of the public in wildlife rescue work. It is heartwarming to see how many people genuinely care about helping injured wildlife .. and that includes some folks that we probably would not have seen in a positive light in our former careers!

If you would like to find out more about volunteering with Wildlife Rescue, we encourage you to contact them and let them know you heard about their organization from the efforts of Veteran Perry Edwards.

Check out the Wildlife Rescue website here & their Facebook page here.

According to Perry, there are two other similar rescue organizations:

O.W.L. (the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society) is located in south Delta directly behind the Boundary Bay Airport.  They specialize in treating birds of prey including eagles, falcons, and owls.

Check out the OWL webpage here & their Facebook page here.

Critter Care Wildlife Society at 4th & 216 Street in south Langley specialize in treating mammals such as: coyotes, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, etc…

Check out the Critter Care webpage here & their Facebook page here.

If you have any questions about any of these organizations or are curious about helping out, please do not hesitate in giving Perry a call at (604)767-9812.
