Veterans Wearing Red Serge

Photograph of Retired Supt. Ric Hall - RCMP


A questions has been raised about retired RCMP Veterans being permitted to wear their Red Serge for specific events.

Veteran Dan Lemieux has researched the matter and the information he obtained is as follows:

Section 68 of the RCMP Regulations effective 88-06-30 permits the Commissioner to authorize members who retire or who are medically discharged, to continue to wear uniform on state and official occasions.  Member who retired prior to 1988 must seek approval from the Commissioner.


State and Official Occasions have been defined as:

  • Semi-formal meetings with Gov. General – Officers Review Order No.1 – other ranks – Review Order
  • RCMP Funerals/Church Services – Officer Review Order No.1 -Others Review
  • Parades – Officers Review Order No.1 – Others – Review
  • State ceremony including funerals – Officers Review Order No.1 – Others – Walking Out
  • Formal Meeting with Royal Family – Gov.Gen. or Lt. Gov. – Officers Review Order No.1 – Others – Walking Out
  • Award Investitures – Officers – Full Dress – Review Order No. 1 – Others – Walking Out
  • Commissioner’s Commendations – Officers – Full Dress No.2 – Others – Walking Out
  • Regimental Mess Dinners – Officers – Mess Kit – Others – Walking Out
  • New Year’s Levee – Officers – Full Dress No. 1 – Others – Walking Out
  • Members Wedding – Officers – Full Dress No. 1 – Others – Walking Out

For RCMP Veterans who are authorized to wear their uniform after retirement, they are issued a Retired RCMP member identification card.  On the reverse of this card, it will indicate if the RCMP Veteran  have received approval to wear the RCMP uniform.  Instead of the identification card, RCMP Veterans may have been issued a letter from the respective Commanding Officer providing this approval.

Authorized RCMP Veterans permitted to wear their RCMP uniform will be responsible the replacement and repair of this uniform.  The following are some of the more common items that members authorized to wear the uniform of the Force may purchase at personal expense to wear while in the official dress of the Veterans’ Association. The prices listed will remain in effect until the Force issues a new list.

RCMP Kit available to RCMP Veterans

Information on other items such as uniforms, other items of kit and badges that can be worn on State and Official occasions can be obtained by contacting the Association’s National Office.

Forward the following:

    • written request outlining the item(s) requested
    • copy of authorization to wear (the ID card depicts this authorization)
    • cheque or money order payable to Receiver General of Canada for the fall amount including GST or HST. Do not include PST.
    • shipping address

must be included in an envelope which is addressed to:

RCMP HQ Warehouse
440 Coventry Road
Ottawa, Ontario