Veterans Submitted: Top Ten Photos

Photograph of an old camera





Over the past week, we have received many photographs submitted to us by various Veterans from all across Canada.




Based on our review of these photos, we have selected the top ten and are provided below for your viewing pleasure.  Our Association does not support any products or comments contained within these photos.

1) Veteran Harold Feiertag photographed and submitted “Nova ScotiaCedar Waxwing

Photograph of a Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.

Photograph of a Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.


2) Veteran Sheldon Boles photographed and submitted “White Rock Sunrise”

Photograph of a White Rock sunrise taken by Sheldon Boles.

Photograph of a White Rock sunrise taken by Sheldon Boles.

3) Veteran Larry Litke sent us the hyperlink to “This Is Not A Mosquito – Look Closely” – check out this photo and the related details on here

4) Veteran Bruce Waite sent us the hyperlink to “Some Of Old And Interesting Photos” – check out the images here

5) Veteran Ric Hall sent us the hyperlink to “Mountie: The Butt Locker” – check out this image here.

6) Veteran Harold Feiertag photographed and submitted “Nova Scotia: Cedar Waxwing Another View

Photograph of a Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.

Photograph of a Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.

7) Veteran Sheldon Boles sent us the hyperlink for “Isolated US-Canada Border”check out these photos and the related story.

8) Veteran Harold Feiertag photographed and submitted “Nova Scotia: Cedar Waxwing

Photograph of a Nova Scotia Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.

Photograph of a Nova Scotia Cedar Waxwing taken by Harold Feiertag.

9) Veteran Dorothy Martinson sent us the hyperlink to “A Glimpse Of Tomorrow” – check out the photos and article here.

10) Veteran Harold Feiertag photographed and submitted “Lunenburg Nova Scotia

Photograph of the Lunenburg Nova Scotia harbour taken by Harold Feiertag.

Photograph of the Lunenburg Nova Scotia harbour taken by Harold Feiertag.