The Quarterly – Publicity Campaign

The Quarterly – Publicity Campaign

Good afternoon from Calgary where winter persists…

This is Ted Sisk, a fellow veteran and member of The Quarterly’s editorial management committee.

Once again this year, The Quarterly is going a country wide publicity campaign in the hope of increasing subscription numbers. In 2023, the various associations were fantastic in assisting us with this endeavour – newsletters, emails, mail chimp, Facebook, other social media, websites, meetings and having the poster hung in various locations such as historical sites (various forts), HQs, RCMP Heritage Centre, legions… Please see attached.

On behalf of The Quarterly, THANK YOU!!!

We would like your valuable cooperation again this year please. It is necessary more than ever.

Our readership is approximately 50/50 retired and serving members. The magazine appeals to those who support the aims of law enforcement, including academics, police academies and libraries.

It is a not-for-profit publication, staffed only by volunteers – VETERANS!!

It is one of the few remaining print police journals. Many readers like its tangibility and large glossy colour photos. The magazine provides a good blend of the current comings and goings, while showcasing the Force’s rich history and culture over the past many, many years.

Feel free to publicize as you see fit. The poster (English and en français) can be printed as you require. If you would like hard copy posters sent to you, please let me know how many and language.

Any publicity is good publicity

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Many thanks!!!

Ted Sisk
The Quarterly – Editorial Management Committee