RCMP Veterans’ Association – Vancouver Division – June Luncheon
Date: June 13, 2024
Time: 11AM – 3PM
Place: Chilliwack Curling Club, 45550 Spadina Avenue, Chilliwack, BC
NOTE: This event is open to your guests, spouse, best buddy, or whatever. Please bring that person along and let them enjoy our social time together.
We have confirmed our room and place for this date, set the luncheon menu, and have a guest speaker(s) set up for your entertainment. Save the date. Art Hoivik has been busy with the Curling Club as the previous manager moved onto a more challenging position and Art has made inroads to the Curling Club new manager to keep our venue and price fixed as before. The cost for your meal will remain at $50.00.
Salads – Mixed Green, Black Bean and Sweet Corn
Hot Selection – Lasagna (Vegetarian), Stuffed Chicken Parm
Carved – Honey Glazed Ham
Starch – Scalloped Potatoes
Platters – Veggie
Dessert along with tea and coffee
Payment details are noted below.
Registration: Please send an email to Dorothy Martinson to register your name and any guests you are bringing.
demartinson@shaw.ca or phone 604-261-4630
Payment: A bar will be available operated by the curling club and they will also take your payment of $50 per plate, and check your name off so we know all who attend have paid.
50/50 Draw: As usual we will put together a draw and raise money for a local charity within the Chilliwack community.
Guest speaker: I have confirmed with the RCMP Air Services who will be present to give us an informative talk on the Air Services today, how they have changed, what they do, how they do it, and the equipment they are currently using, plus a little entertainment by way of a video.
Talented Veteran Showcase: A musician who dwells among us has been asked to attend and play a few songs as we congregate and get seated.
This email is sent early as some of us are headed south again for some rest and relaxation. Make your plans to attend and hope to see you all on June 13.
RCMP Vancouver Veterans Division
Murray F. Macham CFE
Advocacy and Support Programs