The New Reality – Aired April 17th, 2021
Dear Members
Recently circulated to you was an interview of retired Supt. Garry Clement regarding the current status of the Force.
The Chief of our Public Engagement office, Steve Mills has written a review of the contents of the video which has been sent to Global Television and posted on our website.
President Glenn has asked that the review be provided to you for your information. It follows.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
Folks, the following has been sent to Dawna Friesen of Global News:
The New Reality – Aired April 17th, 2021
Dear Ms. Friesen;
Your interview with “one of the leading authorities on policing in this country” was watched with interest by many current and former members of the RCMP. Contrary to what was broadcast, the views of the guest are not widely shared by those members of the RCMP who have worked Contract Policing and particularly those who have worked Federal, International and Contract Policing. Federal and International Policing could not exist without the presence of front line intelligence throughout the country that Contract Policing provides.
The roots of the RCMP are entrenched in the Contract Policing model. From its earliest beginnings the RCMP was tasked with maintaining law and order, enforcing the Criminal Code, Federal Acts and protecting aboriginal treaty rights. This mandate has continued unabated and with tremendous sacrifice for nearly 150 years. The fact that one organization can communicate and wade through the vast array of legislation that police utilize on a daily basis, while not having to transition though multiple jurisdictional roadblocks is incredibly efficient and effective. One need only to inquire with Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the Counties of Scandinavia to learn that the structure of the RCMP in Canada is the envy of these and many other Countries.
There is no question that the current environment within the RCMP is very difficult and this is due entirely to decades of budgetary constraints by successive Federal and Provincial Governments. The force has long been depended upon to stretch its membership extremely thin while numerous additional responsibilities are piled on by Government. After decades of neglect there must be the will to provide an adequate level of funding for the RCMP organization and its dedicated members and bring the force back to a position that justifies the reputation that has been nurtured since 1873.
I would welcome you to get to know the RCMP by reviewing the attached. It documents the history and current environment within the RCMP very well.
Stephen Mills, S/Sgt. (Ret)
Chief of Public Engagement
RCMP Veterans Association |