Photos From the Past

Photos From the Past

Recently I have been helping out the daughter of a former member of the RCMP. She sent me a colourized photo of her father receiving his Long Service Medal at Fairmont Barracks. The photo was probably taken around 1952. In the background are the stables of Fairmont Barracks. The member is Harold Alun “Al” Emig Thomas, Reg # 11708. Al was originally from Cardiff, Wales. Al retired as a Staff Sergeant. He had been a member of the Alberta Provincial Police and switched over to the RCMP in Edmonton when the APP was absorbed by the RCMP in 1932. He was transferred to “E” Division and spent his entire career in the Vancouver area. He retired in 1961 and passed away at Victoria in 1986.


Sgt. Thomas receives his LSM from it is believed to be Insp. Melville Franklin Edwin Anthony, O.C. Vancouver Sub-Division. Can anyone confirm that it is indeed then Insp. Anthony?

Colourization of photos, prior to photo shop ever being dreamed of, it was in vogue back in the day. During my searches for photographs of members pre-1960s I have stumbled across many photos that have been clearly colourized.

Another example of one was given to me by the Vancouver Division’s Past President, Donna Morse. Her father was Robert Whitfield Burns, Reg # 15242. He joined the RCMP February 1947 and purchased his discharge after two years with the RCMP and joined the Calgary Police Service. He served for 32 years with them. He passed away November 2012 at Calgary.

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