RCMP Pipe and Drum Band

Governor Bruce’s Ramparts

Dear Members of the Association

Yesterday we released “Governor Bruce’s Ramparts” on YouTube video. We have 1,000 views in just over 24 hours on the english, and 62 on the french (subtitled – mandated for Cdn govt – there is not much difference I know).

ENGLISH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiSPSL2X9VE

FRENCH (subtitled) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N9JGFnHCfI&t=45s

Significant work went into this by our band, AND the Governor of Edinburgh Castle, Major General Alastair Bruce https://twitter.com/AlastairBruce_ (he has posted our video).

But our Commanding Officer (CO), A/Commr. Bernadine Chapman, has also provided significant support to this project. The National HQ Comms staff have also recently shared our linked video on their social media.

The CO’s Communications staff filmed, edited, and produced the video with literally weeks of work, which also involved the editing and inclusion of the Governor’s intro on the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle. So the British Army was involved too.

In addition, the Lord Elgin Hotel allowed and provided for us the film location.

I don’t want to speak to the other efforts regarding our Pipe Major’s composition of the tune, or the practice and rehearsals by pipers, drummers, dancers, in getting ready for this, except to say there was a ton of work involved. In the absence of an Edinburgh Tattoo this year due to COVID, the those in Scotland have also shared our video through MGen. Bruce.

This is a reminder in regards to our band’s OFFICIAL social media accounts. These are important for marketing our own band in the public domain. It is important we all engage, if you have accounts, because that helps us. These were created by Bruce Hewat years ago, and in comparison to others, are hugely successful. This work is now carried on by John Virag and Natasha Durant, and our webpage is now revamped as well. For ease of reference, ALL accounts are included here on this message.

WEBSITE https://rcmppipesanddrums.com/




Additionally, the CO provided for the public release of our video on her own National Division RCMP social media accounts and YouTube, which was very kind of her.

National Div FACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/rcmpnationaldivision

National Div TWITTERhttps://twitter.com/nat_div_rcmp?lang=en

My intent here is to seek ENGAGEMENT from all of our band and your friend’s networks in helping to market this significant video. Some of you have so thank you. Marketing takes effort from the entire band, individually getting the word out. This helps to drive our continued success as a band in supporting the RCMP. I know some do not engage on Social Media and I respect that. But sharing the links through e mail groups as well can assist. We all can do this.

The tune has been played for for Her Majesty The Queen who has asked it be played by her personal piper around the Royal Palaces. The Queen is the Commissioner-In-Chief of the RCMP if you were not aware.

If we all make some effort on this significant band project (during COVID), we will help our band, the RCMP, Canada, and our wider world of piping, drumming and dancing. Marketing our band is every piper, drummer, dancer’s job in this hobby we love.

PLEASE & THANKS from your growly Drum Major.

Brad Hampson

PS – I know this e mail has been sent to band supporters as well. We would appreciate any help in marketing as well. The tune was written and produced on behalf of our National Composite RCMP Pipes & Drums that travelled to perform in Edinburgh for last year’s Tattoo. Thank you so much.

RCMP National Division Pipes, Drums and Dancers performing Governor Bruce’s Ramparts



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Canadian Police College
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2

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