RCMP National Memorial Ceremony
Dear Members of the Association,
In a truly remarkable effort Ottawa Division is, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, making available a spectacular event at Beechwood Cemetery on Facebook starting at 7:10 AM.
This is the annual commemorative event which is well described in the material that follows which was prepared by Ed Strange of Ottawa Division.
Now, as we know, you will have to have a facebook account to view the ceremony and some will find this fact less than desirable but at the moment it is the only technology available to us that permits a broad viewership. For Ottawa Division members this will be a resend of the material.
A huge thankyou to Ottawa Division for undertaking this project and making it available to so many of our members.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

The links in the posters do not work. Here is the link to the livefeed.

Our Mailing address is
RCMP Veterans Association – Ottawa Division
P.O. Box 42020/ Boite Postale 42020
1200 St Laurent Boul.
Ottawa ON
K1K 4L8

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RCMP Veterans’ Association, Ottawa Division
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