Public Website Maintenance
Dear Members,
Some housekeeping notes:
Signal Flare will be working on the public website ( over the next while to improve its serviceability for our needs. There may be some service interruptions during the update.
Part of the work will involve enabling the use of your existing credentials when using the membership management system (MMS) to sign into the public site.
For now, if you did have credentials to sign into the site they will no longer work. This will be resolved during the updating of the site and will also involve an enhancement of the access control system that currently protects members only areas.
Signal Flare have also been working on two directories in the MMS – one for service bar eligibility and one for birthdays. In the birthdays area, Divisions can check to see who could receive birthday greetings. Both these items require specific data. Service bar eligibility is based on the date you joined and, of course, birthdays are self-explanatory.
In the area of service bar eligibility we have a large number of members whose individual record does not show a joining date. Without that, eligibility cannot be determined. We would therefore ask that you check your personal account and determine if your joining date is shown. This can be done by going to and logging in to your account and then viewing your “RCMPVA Member Profile Update”. Under your name in the profile is a notation of “Member Since: Month/Day/Year” If that is not filled in please ask your Division to determine the date so that they can advise the MMS staff at You can also check your date of birth here and correct any errors you see so that birthday greetings may be forthcoming.
If you haven’t activated your MMS account please send a note to the MMS staff with your name and Division and a new sign-in link will be sent to you. If you’re experiencing difficulties send a note to the MMS staff and they can assist you.
On a completely unrelated note – Phil Graham from Red Deer Division advises that there are some intriguing (spoiler alert – stetson coins) available from the Mint coin store. You can see them at
James Forrest
Director of Communications