Notice of Passing – Retired Veteran Sgt. Harold A. WHETSTONE – Reg. #15355



Harold Alfred WHETSTONE

Sergeant (Ret’d) – Reg #15355

Years of Service: 1947 – 1967

Postings:   “O” and “E” Divisions

Harold (Hal) A. Whetstone passed away on October 14, 2020 at the age of 92.  He was a member of the Vancouver Division for 37 years.

Click on the links below to read the “Obituary and Condolences” and “Fairmont Memories – A Family Affair”


Obituary and Condolences

Fairmont Memories – A Family Affair

A story by Carrie Spencer written with support of Supt. Ric Hall, (Ret’d), reflecting on the legacy of her family’s connection to Fairmont Barracks dating from the 1930’s through to the 1950’s. Ms. Spencer is the daughter of Harold Whetstone and Constance (Connie) Abel (d. 1973). The Abel family worked at Fairmont Barracks for two generations.