Nfld Division prepares for Christmas
Christmas parcels for our shut-in’s
Dear Members of the Association,
As many of us have long suspected it takes more than the Covid pandemic to keep Newfoundland and Labrador Division down.
President Leo O’Brien has conveyed news of his Division’s titanic efforts to help Association members – including to Nain, Labrador.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
Last year the NL RCMP Veterans Association delivered Christmas Hampers to our Veterans who are shut in. It was such a success last year we have decided to do it again this year.
Veteran Randy Mercer stepped up this year and along with his good wife Rev Donna Mercer they have prepared eighteen Hampers for our Veterans around the Province of NL who are shut in. As you can see in the photo Randy and Donna have done a super job of preparing the Hampers in full Christmas colors.
Now the work of delivering the Hampers all over Newfoundland and Labrador has begun. Randy has engaged a number of our Veterans as his Elves to assist in the delivery. We expect the delivery to go smooth as Randy has vast experience in Logistics.
One of our Veterans who is on our list to receive an Hamper lives in Nain in Northern Labrador. We had considered requesting assistance form the Military, however we understand they are very busy in delivering the COVID-19 vaccine so we have engaged the services of RCMP Air Services to get this Hamper to Nain, Labrador.
The Veteran Elves Randy has engaged are all very experienced, therefore we do not anticipate any issues in having the Christmas Hampers delivery before Christmas.
Best regards
Leo O’Brien, President NL RCMP Veterans Association
On Sunday December 6th in response to a request from the Salvation Army for assistance nineteen of our Veterans and spouses assisted the Salvation Army in sorting out toys. These toys are for the lees fortunate families in our community/Province.
Our nineteen Volunteers were led by Veteran Randy Mercer. As the saying goes “many hands make light work” so after only a few hours the task was completed.
The Salvation Army were very pleased and have requested we come back again on December 21stt further assist them in getting these toys out to those who need them.
There are a couple of photos attached showing our Veterans hard at work. Thanks to everyone for coming out and showing the true spirit of Christmas. Looking forward to seeing you again on the 21st.