Miscalculation of Disability Pensions Class Action
Further to the RCMPVA Wide Fan-Out of August 16th, 2021 we have received a Request to send an Update to RCMP Veterans from the Website Administrator, a copy of which appears further in this message.
All questions about the Class Action litigation should be answered by navigating through the Tab ‘Frequently asked Questions’ (FAQ) and/or the Tab ‘Updates’.
If your questions are not answered then send your questions via Email to: info@vetspensionerror.ca
Do not submit questions through the Toll Free Number that appeared in the original message, nor through the RCMP Veterans’ Association or the RCMPVA Advocates.
There are over 270,000 Veterans involved in the Class Action, and because of the sheer volume of people involved, the law firm is unable to answer all enquiries left at the Toll Free Number.
Additionally, if you encounter difficulty trying to Register for Updates online; if the ‘Submit’ button is not working after you ‘Fill Out Form Online’ on the Registration Page, you can click on that Line ‘ Fill Out Form Online’ and it will bring up ‘Fill Out PDF Form’. You can Download the PDF Form and fill in the blanks. Then you can scan your completed form and Email it as an Attachment to: info@vetspensionerror.ca
Again, if you have questions about Registering, you can Email your questions to: info@vetspensionerror.ca
Do not submit questions or enquiries through the Toll Free Number, nor though the RCMP Veterans’ Association or the RCMPVA Advocates.
UPDATE from the Website Administrator is noted hereunder:
Sent: August 23rd 2021 11:33 AM
From: info@vetspensionerror.ca
To: Mike Duffy Association.ChiefAdvocate@rcmpva.org
Good day, Sir.
I am the site administrator for the above noted class action. I have also recently spoken to Mr. Rockburne regarding his e-mail to the membership. (which was wildly successful) During this discussion I advised that the Toll Free # was for a firm that forms part of the consortium that is representing the class members in his action. Unfortunately, and due to the class size (approx. 270,000 affected members) we’re unable to answer every single call/voice mail requesting contact to discuss the claim. I sent along an e-mail to Mr. Rockburne requesting that he forward a supplementary e-mail to the membership advising that they could find more information at the www.vetspensionerror.ca and to register for updates at the following link: https://vetspensionerror.ca/register/
It was our hope to prevent people from waiting around for a return call when they could find answers to many of their questions at the actual website for the class action. The rationale was to steer individuals away from the toll-free number and to the website where there is an abundance of information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the writer at this e-mail address. I also advised Mr. Rockburne that if he had any questions for counsel on this particular matter he could send that request through this e-mail.
Thank-you for your time.
Kind regards,
Veterans Disability Pension Indexing Error Class Action