Membership Management System – General Information

Notes on the New Membership Management System

Dear Members of the Association,

We have received a number of queries regarding the new system and have asked Signal Flare to provide some information on the workings of the system. They have provided the following message which will assist you in handling the new system.

And, as we have said before – if you find yourself in a quandry do feel free to send your inquiry to and Signal Flare will provide the needed guidance.

James Forrest
Director of Communications


To all of our members

First let me say that we hope that all of you and your families are safe and healthy.

We are transitioning to the new membership management system and we have received a lot of feedback and appreciate it.

Apology: The new system is configured with a lot of automation. Specifically, in regards to communication to the members. This past weekend, an email was sent out to the membership regarding membership payments for 2021. For those that have paid their dues, this was sent out in error and we apologize. We realize that a large portion of members had paid their dues through the division by cheque or other means. If you have already paid, please accept our apology and disregard the notice.

We continue to work on the transition and ensuring that records are reflected accurately. There is a lag with manual processes such as cheques and if your account information does not reflect a payment, be assured that we are updating records daily to ensure accuracy. Your patience is appreciated as there are over 5000 records.

We understand that during these times change can be difficult. We are here to support you and appreciate your understanding. If you have any issues, the main contact for support is MEMBERSHIP.ADMIN@RCMPVA.ORG. Please feel free to contact us.


Emails were sent out to the membership inviting them to access the new system. The process is to follow the link in the email which will take you to your personal account, where you can set your password and gain access. The new system allows the individual member to sign in and manage their own information including contact details, service history and also manage the way they pay for their membership.

When you sign in for the first time, it directs you to your member profile where you can validate and edit your own information. For future reference, this is where you can update all of your information. If you have not logged into the system, we encourage you to do so.

If you have not received the invitation email please check your spam folder or if you require another invitation or assistance please contact us at MEMBERSHIP.ADMIN@RCMPVA.ORG and we will be happy to resend it.


Members will receive emails regarding upcoming renewals and arrears notices.These will come from MEMBERSHIP.ADMIN@RCMPVA.ORG or Membee and are valid.


All payments are processed through the new system. In order for the system to reflect accurately the current state of your account, we ask that you login and verify your information. If renewing online, you can select a number of payment options.

Online (credit card): Payments made through the system using a credit card automatically renew information for the member. Additionally, there is an option to store your payment information securely so that your renewals our automated for the life of the credit card. That said, you aren’t charged immediately on renewal. You will be sent a notice saying that the renewal is coming up. This allows the member to choose whether they wish the membership to be renewed or not. Note: This is the preferred method as there is no manual process or lag in information.

Cheque: Members wishing to pay by cheque may do so directly to the association office.

**Please provide your name and contact and clearly indicate which division and which year you would like funds applied to**

Please send the cheque to:

RCMP Veterans’ Association
P.O. Box 8900 Canadian Police College
1 Sandridge Road Ottawa, Ontario
K1G 3J2

Members may also elect to send their cheque to their division for submission.


Members who choose to pay by E-transfer may do so by sending to the contact below:

ATT: Chantal Renaud – by e-Transfer:

Important Note: If you are renewing online, please note the option to purchase the Quarterly is available. If you already receive the Quarterly through payroll deduction, it is not necessary for you to select this option. If you wish to receive the Quarterly, please select one (1) for a one (1) calendar year subscription.

Support: If you have any issues, the main contact for support is MEMBERSHIP.ADMIN@RCMPVA.ORG. Please feel free to contact us.



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P.O. Box 8900, 1 Sandridge Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2

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