Law Enforcement Torch Run

The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) program first began in Wichita, Kansas in 1981. Toronto police officers Chief Jack Marks (Ret’d) and Lorne White (Ret’d) successfully organized the first Torch Run on Canadian soil in Toronto in June 1987. More than 1,100 LETR officers from 36 agencies took part in the event, covering more than 900 kilometres before arriving into Varsity Arena in Toronto to light the flame, signaling the opening of the International Special Olympics Floor Hockey Tournament.

Information from New Brunswick Division

Personnel at “J” Div HQ have developed a virtual Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR). This initiative has become a national campaign / challenge to all Divisions in an effort to raise funds for the various provincial chapters of the Special Olympics.

Participation is open to Veterans. Therefore I’d like to make other Vet Associations aware of this virtual challenge and should you wish to participate to let you know who to contact in your Division..

By participating you will be contributing to the Special Olympics, promoting good health and we will challenge ourselves to achieve a personal best. Notwithstanding, Vets will be joining with members from their Division to form a virtual team in an effort to lead the rest of the Divisions in achieving the goal of 15,300 km.

I’m told by the “J” Div Fitness & Health Promotion Adviser that all her Divisional counterparts are aware of this national campaign / challenge and are participating. If you wish to participate you should contact the respective Div. Fitness & Health Promotion Adviser in your Division for details.

Click on this link for Divisional Fitness & Health Advisers

Stay Safe, Practice Hand Washing and Practice Social Distancing

Rester en sécurité, se laver les mains et pratiquer la distanciation sociale

Brian Griffiths
Director of Communications // Directeur da la communication
NB RCMP Veterans Association // Association des Anciens de la GRC du N-B


Please note that “O” Division wellness coordinator Sgt. Michelle Welsh has been replaced by Cst. Brianne Harten (

Law Enforcement Torch Run


“O” Division Wellness Coordinator, Cst. Brianne Harten has provided the Association with some promotional material dealing with a fascinating twist on the traditional Law Enforcement Torch Run. This year it will be virtual.

The details are included in the attached flyers and a log for keeping track of your progress is also included.

This is an endeavour that supports Special Olympics Canada. It is described as

“the largest public awareness and grassroots fundraising organization for Special Olympics globally. The LETR hold a number of year-round fundraising and awareness events in communities across Canada. The LETR are supported by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), and have been an active partner of Special Olympics Canada since 1987.
The Torch Run™ is the most well-known event that the LETR host. The Torch Run is an event in which officers run the Flame of Hope™ into an Opening Ceremony at local, regional and national competitions. Grown to include a wide range of regional and national events, the LETR have raised more than $ 72 million in Canada, since its inception. As retired Chief Richard LaMunyon once said, “What started in 1981…as a flicker of hope for Special Olympics has now become a roaring flame of stability for Special Olympics athletes worldwide.”

James Forrest
Director of Communications

“Ocean’s 13” Coast to Coast Torch Relay



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