If One Day – 1942





Byron Budd submitted “If One Day!” and stated “thought you would find this interesting.” Very innovative at the time in raising a lot of money during hard times & getting attention around the world.




Back in 1942, the Canadian government decided to create an innovative plan to support the Victory Loan organization where funds would be used to support the Canadian troops during World War II.

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As part of this plan, soldiers and citizen volunteers simulated the battle andoccupation of Winnipeg.  The simulation demonstrated what life would be like under Nazi rule.  Soldiers were dress in Nazi Germany uniforms.  The date was selected – February 19, 1942.

Citizens were subjected to the internment of prominent politicians, the imposition of Nazi rule, and a parade.  Even newspapers were printed in German and distributed to the citizens of Winnipeg.

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On this one day of this simulation, the citizens of Winnipeg donated $3 million to the war effort.  In later months, the citizens of Winnipeg ended up donating a total of $23 million for the war effort.

You can seek seek more information about If Only 1942 here.

The CBS Morning Almanac did a short video on the Winnipeg “If One Day – 1942.”
