Halton Chief of Police on Jagmeet Singh’s Comments
Chief Tanner on the Rideau Hall Incident
Dear Members of the Association,
President Glenn has asked that comments by Halton Regional Police Chief, Steve Tanner on what was said by NDP National Leader, Jagmeet Singh relative to the Force’s handling of the Rideau Hall incident be shared with you.
It will be recalled that MP Singh observed that the individual who drove his truck onto the grounds of Rideau Hall might not have survived if he had not been white. The obvious implication being that were the driver to have been a person of colour the RCMP would have killed him.
In reply to this, on Twitter, Chief Tanner stated “A situation safely resolved and you choose to somehow make it an issue about racism? I suppose you openly believe the accused should have been killed by the RCMP then? Politics at an all-time low”.
CTV News in a July 9th, 2020 article provided that,
“Corey Hurren, a 46-year-old reserve Canadian Ranger from rural Manitoba, stands accused of ramming a gate to the Rideau Hall grounds, where Governor General Julie Payette and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau currently reside, and roaming inside the grounds while allegedly carrying a semi-automatic rifle, extended magazine, two shotguns and a revolver.
He was able to walk for 13 minutes before he was confronted by RCMP officers who surrounded him and took him into custody without incident after about 90 minutes of discussion.
When asked Wednesday if he thought the situation would not have ended peacefully if Hurren was not white, Singh said “yes”.”
In a further Twitter comment Chief Tanner went on to say that Singh “could also have commended the RCMP officers involved and say that he wished all instances were more like this one”.
Chief Tanner also drew a comparison between the Rideau Hall incident and a July 8th involving a teen armed with a knife where he said on Twitter “Yet another – of many very serious incidents -safely resolved.
Teamwork, training, “deescalation” and professionalism works!! This will never make the front page or prime time news.”
Clearly the de-escalation tactics employed by the members of the RCMP at Rideau Hall showed incredible professionalism that should be lauded, not demeaned by MP Singh.
Chief of Halton Regional Police
Steve Tanner
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association