Divisions Supporting Detachments
Operation Morale Builder – Detachment Visitations

Redcliff Visit
During the week of July 8th to 15th, Redcliff, Brooks (with an invite to Bassano detachment) and Bow Island/Foremost Detachments were visited by 11 members of the Cypress Hills Division. Our members brought with them Tim Horton’s treats/coffee and messages of our association’s support and solidarity to our serving members/detachment staff during these trying times. Each Detachment Commander were also given copies of the letters of support our association members received from National. In total 29 serving members attended, quite a few on their own time, 4 detachment staff personnel, 3 local firemen and 2 community representatives were also in attendance. As Veterans, we explained to those in attendance that we knew what they were going through (due to the negative media reports) as we ourselves at one time or another served during similar times where we were subjected to negative national media report (Brown Report 2007 and McDonald Commission 1977-1981) as well as negative local media reporting. All we asked the members to remember was to continue doing their duties/responsibilities to the best of their abilities, to work within the Force’s Core Values and not to drop their guard or become complacent when faced with either verbal or physical conflicts and to rely on their training to safely and successfully resolve situations thrust upon them. The idea of these visits were very important to one of our members, retired C/Supt Joe HRANKOWSKI, who wanted to accompany us however due to prior commitments couldn’t. He in turn donated $150.00, out of his own pocket, which covered most of the Tim Horton’s expenses. We also couldn’t turn down the opportunity to do a little recruiting during our visits. Heinz J. HAUSER President – Cypress Hills Division Regards, |
Here in Lethbridge Division we have five more detachments to visit. I will be attending Vulcan on Wednesday, on my way back from Airdrie. As mentioned previously, the visits have been well received, as were the Tims. I also took the time recently to welcome our new Chief of Police for Lethbridge, made sure that he was aware that he was also eligible for membership in our Lethbridge Division, now that he has retired from the Force. From what I have heard about Shahin Mehdizadeh, the Lethbridge Police Commission made a good choice for our new Chief. As Alberta Divisions, I believe we have represented ourselves well and let the detachment members and staff know that they are supported by people who have walked in their shoes. I look forward to a time, hopefully in the not too distant future, where we can join together for that inter-Division meeting that had to be postponed due to this horrible pandemic. I look forward to learning more about the good things that our Alberta Divisions are doing. By the way, it was great to see the painting by Bob Harriman, which really represented the positivity of the drive-bys. Great work. Ken Taylor |
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