A Comment On The VAC RCMP Website
RCMP Veterans’ Association
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The Value of Veterans’ Affairs Canada
Dear Association Members,
A few days ago we referred you to the really helpful VAC website –
John Leitch of Regina Division has agreed with the underlying value of VAC and sent in a note that we thought should be shared with everybody.
“When I retired, I didn’t know what a transition interview was and thought it was just an opportunity to tell Staffing what I thought about the Force!
In my case it would have been a positive conversation!!!
When I needed hearing aids and couldn’t get them because I didn’t have a “K” number, I ended up having a transition interview with VAC (11 months after retiring) and wished I had known what it was sooner. It was a good and useful experience and left me with a very positive view of VAC.
I doubt it is ever too late.
I’m sure not everyone will have the same experience and I know there are bad ones out there but I urge Vets to find out, as I think they will benefit ultimately from making the contact and knowing what is available…..especially if they don’t have a “K” number or don’t know they need one to get anything covered by VAC
John’s point is well taken and hugely supported by Sgt. Kim Hendricken the RCMP-VAC liaison officer and terrific and willing source of information about what is available from VAC.
And, a big thank you to John for sending this in.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association