Upcoming Events and Dates

Upcoming Events and Dates

  1. The BC Law Enforcement Memorial and related events will take place on the weekend of September 24 in Victoria.  Please see the attached posters for further details.
  2. The Federal Policing 150 Regimental Ball is being held at the Hilton Hotel in Burnaby on October 6.  Please see the attached poster for more information.
  3. The October General Meeting luncheon of the RCMPVA Vancouver Division will be held at Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club (18150 – 8 Ave., Surrey) on October 19 at 11:30 am.  Our Guest Speaker will be RCMP A/Comm. Maureen Levy, District Commander, LMD District.  Please contact Dorothy Martinson to advise that you will be in attendance at  demartinson@shaw.ca.
  4. The Chilliwack Christmas lunch will take place on Monday, December 4.  Further details to come.
  5. Also, please mark your calendar for the RCMPVA Vancouver Division Christmas Levee on Wednesday, December 13 at Hazelmere.  Further details to follow.

2023BCLEMPoster 2023RidetoRememberRequestforApplications 2023RegimentalBallPosterBlackandWhite