A Nation Grieves
Dear Members of the Association
Many of us have been overcome by the news of the death of Cst. Heidi Stevenson and her fellow citizens in Nova Scotia.
The crimes are appalling, the grief insurmountable. Many have turned to expressing that grief in a number of ways and have drawn their work to our attention.
The material that follows is but a small sampling of the outpouring of emotion being expressed across our country over the horrendous loss of life in Nova Scotia.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association |
Jim Edwards of Toronto Division was able to arrange the creation of this sign.

The Fram Building Group at the corner of Hurontario and Lakeshore were pleased to allow us to use their fence.
Videos provided by President Michel Pelletier of Ottawa Division
Will & Jess Music
On April 18 and 19, 2020, a lone gunman went on a shooting rampage in the province of Nova Scotia, killing 23 people. I created this video as a tribute to those who lost their lives, among them a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Cst. Heidi Stevenson. Thank you, Cst. Stevenson, for your courageous service to our country. We will not forget you.
Here is a video done by Marc Dureau our Sgt. at Arms
Regina Police Service – We Honour The Falle
Images from President Allan Speevak of Okanagan Division
I live in at Cadence at the lakes Strata Community in Lake Country, B. C. Several ( at least 11) Retired members live here. Some from The R. C. M. P., O. P. P. , Edmonton City and Toronto City.
Steve Albrec, retired RCMP organized a remembrance yesterday. This was accomplished by all of us putting out our tunics on our front porch.
This was very well received and supported.
At. 7 pm last night I went out on the road in front of my home in Red Serge.
May all 22 Rest In Peace.
We will never forget them.
Thank you for your service
Stay Safe
Steve Wright S/Sgt
Reg.37295 Retired
Mitch MacMillan of New Brunswick Division and later John Leitch of Regina Division provided this video. Mitch describes this as “a song that I wrote a few years ago as a tribute to fallen members. The song is performed by my musical group “NTL” (Never Too Late) The video presentation was prepared by one of the groups members Scott MacRae, who’s father is Don MacRae ( Retired Insp.) Please feel free to share this song with anyone you would like to and I hope that you find it to be a suitable tribute to Heidi and others that we have lost all too soon.
This song is dedicated to the memory of Cst. Heidi Stevenson. The writer of this song Mitch MacMillan and his brothers all served or are currently serving in the RCMP and I too (Scott MacRae) come from a family of law enforcement where my dad served 30+ years as a member and my brother and sister are currently in law enforcement. It is only appropriate that we dedicate this song to Heidi and other fallen members of the RCMP. |
Tribute to Fallen RCMP Officer – Const. Heidi Stevenson
From the Chatam Kent Police Service
On behalf of everyone here at CKPS, we pay our final respects to Const. Heidi Stevenson.
We honour the ultimate sacrifice she made to keep her community safe
Ottawa Division Member Gilbert Bouffard has provided the following image.
Gilbert remarked that “As a volunteer with FCPO (Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers) , I asked the artist Silvia Pecota if I could use her initial artwork and add Cst. Heidi Stevenson’s photo to pay her tribute, and a biblical verse to post on our FCPO Facebook page. To my surprise, did she not only give me permission but offered to create a new artwork, especially to honour Heidi. This was the first time I emailed Silvia and although she did not know me, none the less she went out of her way to create this new artwork and I’d like to thank her for her kindness.

All rights reserved.
We are glad you are enjoying the information from the Association
P.O. Box 8900