Tribute to Canadian Forces Veterans

Recognition of CAF Veterans

Dear Members of the Association,

A short while ago Cst. Manon Desrosiers of RCMP Gaspé / Iles de la Madeleine Detachment suggested to Quebec Division that the military service of two CAF veterans be recognized.

Yves Sirois of Quebec Division has compiled a short accounting of the presentation and it appears hereunder.

A great initiative by serving members of the Force and an excellent response from Quebec Division.

James Forrest
Director of Communications


Tribute to Canadian Forces Veterans

On a recommendation from Cst. Manon Desrosiers of the Gaspé/Les Iles de la Madeleine Det., the Association acknowledged the military service of two Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces who served in the Second World War and the Korean War. A certificate was presented to them to highlight their involvement in the Royal Canadian Legion’s activities and their participation in the Memorial Day ceremonies in Gaspé. Accompanied by Cst. Philippe Richard, Mrs. Line Carbonneau (Gaspesian herself!) presented the certificates of recognition to the two families on Thursday, February the 25th in Gaspé.

Mr. Harris Mullin 96 years old (deceased in Sept. 2020) WW II Veteran

Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mullin

Mr. Mullin passed away last August and we met his wife with his daughter (to her right). They were married for 74 years.

Mr. Kenneth Moore                          87 years old                          Korean War veteran.

Mr. Moore was accompanied by his wife. He’s 88 years old and in great shape.

The painting to his right was made by a street artist then in Japan in 1957. If there is a Remembrance Day event next November, Mrs. Carbonneau will attend with Mr. Moore.

Cst Manon Desrosiers is absent from work for an undetermined period. Cst Richard replaced her.  He belongs to St-Jean sur Richelieu Det. Det. and has been on loan to Gaspé for two months.

(NB:  All sanitary measures were adhered to except for the photos shoot.)

Congratulations to the members of Gaspé det. for this excellent initiative.

Many thanks!




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