They Love Us – They Really Do!


Photograph of RCMP Shamrock - photographed by Sheldon Boles




In his search of old publications, Veteran Ric Hall has come across some interesting references to an earlier time in the Force.  This information is provided for your reading pleasure.





In June of 1897 a contingent of red serge and flat brimmed Stetson wearing NWMP members, specially selected, all being over six feet, led by Supt. Aylesworth Bowen Perry (later Commissioner) attend Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. It is the first time they are seen outside the western prairies. The NWMP become the toast of the Empire. Thus begins the love affair for the Canadian Mounties!

Photograph of the NWMP members attending the 1897 Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee (Source of photo - Ric Hall's Photo Collection).

Photograph of the NWMP members attending the 1897 Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

In 1937 thirty-five horses and members attended the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Upon their return the fall edition of the RCMP Quarterly in 1937 wrote the following;

“The members of the Coronation Contingent which left Canada during the month of April under the command of Assistant Commissioner S.T. Wood, returned from overseas at the commencement of June and have now again taken up their various duties in different parts of the Dominion. As may well be supposed, each and every member who was privileged to take part in the Coronation ceremonies and procession, is to say the least, enthusiastic regarding the warm welcome which was extended to them while in England as representatives of the RCMPolice and keenly appreciative of the very great hospitality which was afforded them during the period of their visit. A letter from a London correspondent, which was published in the Montreal “Gazette” of May 26th, under the heading “English Tribute to the Mounties,” will undoubtedly be of interest not only to returning members of personnel but also to all individuals connected with he Force as a whole. The letter is reprinted hereunder:-

“To the Editor of The Gazette:

“Sir, – As a Britisher born in England, and proud of my nationality, one of the sweetest pleasure in yesterday’s most wonderful Coronation procession was the opportunity given us ordinary Englanders to cheer and welcome the various Dominion and overseas contingents. I feel strongly that all of you in Canada should know from an ordinary Englishman what an impression was made by your “Mounties.” Nothing in the world could be smarter than our own “Life Guards and Scot Greys,” but, magnificent as they were, they no better than your “Mounties” and I do not believe that a single Englishman was not thrilled and proud to see such a fine contingent from you. I would have like all Canada to have heard the roars and cheers and the welcome the English crowd gave your “Mounties.” They looked fine and you may well be proud of them.

Signed; “An Englishman in a Big Crowd.”

Photograph of the RCMP

Photograph of the RCMP Musical Ride in England (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).


The following year the Empire Exhibition was held in Glasgow and once again it caused “A Britisher” to write the praises of the “Mounties” to Canada’s Weekly (London) and re-published in the Ottawa Journal June 8, 1938 and then in the RCMP Quarterly ummer edition 1938.

Photograph of the

Photograph of the Glasgow Herald advertisement of the Empire Exhibition of 1938 (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

“Sir: – As an English visitor to the Empire Exhibition in Glasgow and an admirer of your Canadian Pavilion, may I say with what interest I noted the admiration shown by the populace fir the members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, one of whom was stationed at each side of the entrance. They have as much attractiveness for the mass of the people, and especially the young, as have the Horse Guards on show in Whitehall, and it amused me to watch with what interest, and almost affection, they seemed to be regarded by those passing in and out of the pavilion. They seemed from their attitude and conversation to be as much the friends of the stranger as are the London police.

Photograph of RCMP member with young boy (Source of photo - Ric Hall's Photo Collection).

Photograph of RCMP member with young boy (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

You Canadians yourselves are evidently aware to the magnet of the “Mounties” in your community, for I saw the other day that the head of the typical Mounted Policeman is to be used as a trademark to indicate Canadian goods of the highest quality. It would surely be difficult to hit upon a happier thought for the Mounted Police have always been regarded and admired as “Canada’s best.”

Yours, etc.,
Liverpool, May 7 A Britisher

Photograph of the Scarlet & Gold Magazine cover (Source of photo - Ric Hall's Photo Collection)>

Photograph of the Scarlet & Gold Magazine cover (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection)>

The above image representing Canadian goods of the highest quality.

I wonder if Maclean’s magazine would ever publish such glowing praise of the Force?

image of Ric Hall closing block for his Photo Corner webpage