The Importance of Volunteering

Re: The importance of Volunteering

“Volunteering is the act of giving one’s time and efforts to another person or organization without the expectation of monetary reward.”

This is the time of the year when Divisions start reaching out to their respective membership seeking volunteers to fill empty positions or to replace those members of the executive or committees who have completed their terms. I suspect everyone is in agreement the Association would be unable to operate or make an impact without the dedication of volunteers and their important gift of time.

There are so many positive benefits to volunteering. There tends to be a subtle shift in ourselves when we volunteer. For one thing, I feel more connected to others and less absorbed in the normal stresses of life. I have met with other people who share the same wishes to make things better and who are willing to give up their time for the overall benefit of all those who have served their country as a part of the RCMP. The Association is a collection of our brothers and sisters and helping or enjoying the company of each other is highly satisfying. To step up by volunteering to make the Association even more helpful and indeed enjoyable is a reflection of the esprit de corps shared when you were a part of and continue to be a part of this sister and brother hood.

Socially, the benefits of volunteering become apparent very quickly and I believe have long term effects. You create stronger bonds between your friends and associates within the Association and the skills and knowledge you have gained throughout your service can be shared with them. You have more to offer than you think and best of all, helping your Division function and improve can be highly satisfying and indeed, fun.

When your Division President reaches out for volunteers, please consider this an opportunity to help others. You will never regret doing so.


Sandy Glenn, National President
RCMP Veterans Association

Members Helping Members and Their Families


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