Supporting Our Serving Members



Dear Members of the Association,

Calgary Division has undertaken a remarkable initiative to strenghten the resolve of the serving members of the Force to continue to work in its traditions of service, competence and loyalty.

Calgary Division President, Bob Ellergodt has penned a letter to Association President Sandy Glenn that lays out the details of this most successful enterprise undertaken by the Division.

We are at a loss for words to describe the pride that this mission undertaken by our resilient members brings to the Association.

President Ellergodt’s letter follows together with a series of images from this event.

James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

Getting Ready to Go in Airdrie



Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Veterans’ Association Calgary Division
#42, 10 Tuscany Valley View NW, Calgary, AB T3L 2J6

June 25th, 2020

Mr. Sandy Glenn, President
RCMP Veterans’ Association
P.O. Box 8900,
Canadian Police College
1 Sandridge Road,
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2

Dear Sandy:

RE: Calgary Division
Detachment Drive By Program – Morale Building

The purpose of our communication is to review and report on our Detachment Drive By Program.

Calgary Division put together plans to complete three Detachment Drive By Programs in an effort to display our support and appreciation to our serving members. Contact with the RCMP failed to find any opposition to our plans, which allowed us to carry forward. We chose three detachments, Okotoks, Cochrane and Airdrie, and coordinators were identified for each jurisdiction. We made every effort to have participants pre-register for the event of their choice. Veterans, family, and friends were invited to participate. Security surrounding the events was paramount to avoid any distractions involving protestors.

The date, time and locations of the events were withheld from our participants until seven days before the scheduled events. We specifically chose a date and time to avoid any disruptions to traffic and residents in these jurisdictions. The drive by plans required each participant to meet in a designed area for staging, no more than thirty minutes before the scheduled event. Social distancing was encouraged. The staging areas were located as close as possible to the Detachments to avoid any lengthy parade routes. We ensured that all parking and driving regulations were strictly adhered to and limited our numbers in one area to avoid having to register as a parade, which would have exposed our plans, dates, and times well in advance.

We enjoyed having a total of 70 vehicles involved with approximately 150 participants. Each event took place without incident. Photographs of the events are enclosed, and a video has been forwarded by separate email. Our participants had a wonderful time!

The enthusiasm of our members in these difficult times was welcomed and appreciated. This provided our members an opportunity to display their support and appreciation. Our members were able to reflect back in time to their respective service and contributions to the Canadian public as well. A morale building opportunity for both our serving members and Veterans. This turned out to be a very emotional program, with several viewers shedding tears. It is our intention to continue this program over the summer and to visit more of our Detachments.

We ask that you consider a press release so that every officer in Canada, regardless of the police service, can enjoy the positive nature of our program. It is important that law enforcement understand that most Canadians do not support the negativity being promoted by a few misinformed individuals and some of the press.

Yours truly,

Bob Ellergodt, President
Calgary Division


Driveby in Cochrane, Alta

Staging The Driveby in Okotoks

Set to go in Okotoks

Airdrie Drive By



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P.O. Box 89001 Sandridge Road
Canadian Police College
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3J2

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