Saskatoon Division Indoor Remembrance Day
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members
Saskatoon Division Remembrance Day Ceremony
Dear Association Members,
Stewart Kingdon from Saskatoon Division has very kindly provided a photograph of their indoor Remembrance Day Ceremony. Stewart added that Saskatoon, [is] the home of the largest indoor Remembrance Day in Canada.
The Assembly was pleased to have Asst. Commissioner Russ Merasty (rtd) joining in the group photograph after the service.
A/Commr. Merasty is now the Lieutenant Governor for the Province of Saskatchewan.
A terrific coming together of our Association members and the serving members.
The photograph follows.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

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Updated all members list for 2019 – deletes previous regional lists: Atlantic, Prairies & Pacific.
Our mailing address is:
140 Riverstone Drive
Nepean, Ontario
K2J 5E5