Ric Hall’s Photo Corner
For this week, Ric has selected the photo theme of “Bill MacRae – Passing Away Of A Legend.”
Earlier this week, we received the sad news of the untimely passing of Retired Superintendent Bill MacRae.
For members who joined the Force in the 1950s to 1970s, Bill MacRae was notable figure in the early lives of many new recruits. To mark his passing, Ric has selected the following photographs which contain images of the late Bill MacRae.

Photograph of Sgt. Bill MacRae (circled in red) part of the Guidon Escort for the Drumhead Ceremony at Rockcliffe in 1950. The parade consisted of four Squadrons of three troops each made up of 32 members each. (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of Sgt. Bill MacRae (circled in red) part of the Guidon Escort for the Drumhead Ceremony at Rockcliffe in 1950. The parade consisted of four Squadrons of three troops each made up of 32 members each. (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

1964 – Photograph of CSM Bill MacRae (indicated with a downward arrow) carrying the Force’s Guidon (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

1971 – Photograph of the “Depot” Volunteer Band and Supt. Bill MacRae is identified by a black circle (Source of photo – RCMP Historical Collection – “Depot” Division).

1973 Photograph of Queen Elizabeth II inspecting RCMP Recruits at “Depot” Division. The Queen is escorted by Supt. Bill MacRae followed by Commissioner WIlliam Higgitt (Source of photo – RCMP Historical Collections Unit – “Depot” Division).
Many of the photographs above were provided by Bill MacRae’s son – retired Assistant Commissioner Fraser MacRae. Fraser also provided this link for the obituary of Bill MacRae.
If you have old Force photographs you wish to share and be included in a forthcoming Ric Hall’s Photo Corner, please email Ric at rshall69@shaw.ca. Photographs will be scanned and the original will be returned to you.