RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – February/March 2021 Report

(Vancouver Division)

February/March 2021

How Time Flies . . . !!  Here it is at the end of March 2021 and we are still in the COVID-19 Epidemic.  We have survived a whole year of face masks, isolations, line-ups to grocery stores, etc., and perhaps now entering our Third Wave, but we are still here!   And, hopefully, with the inoculations, we will be able to get together for some form of Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meetings before the end of 2021.  Many of us have not seen each other for the whole year, but we encourage everyone to make contact with other members who might appreciate a phone call.  If you cannot reach one of our Ladies Auxiliary members by phone, give me a call for a possible new phone number.

Documentation of RCMP Wives’ Stories:  This item appeared in our last December/January Bi-Monthly Report and we haven’t had much in the way of actual stories, but have had several telephone calls from members of the Ladies Auxiliary asking if their stories might be of interest.  The stories do not have to be exciting, dramatic tales, although that would also be interesting, but they can be of day-to-day, year-to-year life that would be of interest to current readers, showing life as it was “back then.”  Life in the Force has had so many changes over the years . . .  for the members themselves, as well as their families.

Feeling Bored, with Nothing to Do or Nothing to Take up Your Time??  Look up your Family Tree by having your DNA tested!!!  Our family did this as a Christmas Gift and it is fascinating, and time consuming, if you let it.  Names and places turn up that complete the family trees and gives new perspectives on where our families came from and how we are connected.  If you don’t have a computer, see if you can find someone to help you.  Give it a try!! www.ancestry.ca   . . .  also jigsaw puzzles (500 pieces, preferably!)

Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club:  The catering staff at “Hazelmere” were contacted recently and they are currently open (being a golf course where people can still safely enjoy an outdoor sport, and have a meal).  When we can return there for our luncheon/meetings, we will probably have our food served to us individually by the catering staff instead of everyone using the buffet tables, i.e., quiche, soup & sandwiches, salads, fish & chips, pasta, crepes, etc., plus desserts.  They are looking forward to having us return for our monthly meetings, and for a Fashion Show, if we can still arrange it for October!

We hope that all of our members will be receiving their inoculations in the very near future, and that we won’t have to wait too long for our second dose!

Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
(604) 261-4630