RCMP Pension Overpayments – Update for Veterans


RCMP Pension
Update for Veterans


Dear Members of the Association,

The following notification was received from the RCMP Pension Services Team in relation to the status of the pension overpayment issue that has recently been the topic of a number of queries to the Association.

This topic was earlier (March 16, 2016) discussed in an article appearing on the Association website which explains the origins of the overpayment. The article, which should be read in conjunction with this latest update is available by clicking here which will take you to the Association website.

Although dated this page also includes links to a Report on Public Sector Pension Plans where the reader can view the contribution rates of the public service, the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP and a link to the 2017 investment status of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board.

James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association



From the RCMP Pension Team:

“This is an update to the article from March 16, 2016, which provided information about pension payment correction notices sent to 817 pensioners by the RCMP Pension Centre in January 2016.

The RCMP National Compensation Services has advised that the overpayment calculations and recovery are scheduled to begin in late summer/early fall 2020. Once the overpayment calculations are complete, letters will be sent to the 817 pensioners providing the overpayment amount and the repayment options.

Pensioners will have two repayment options: 1) a lump sum repayment, or 2) by equal monthly deductions of no more than 10% of the pensioner’s gross monthly pension benefit, until the full overpayment has been recovered. In cases where the equal monthly payment amounts could cause financial hardship, pensioners can contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre to discuss possible options available.”


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