Quick Update
Quick Update
I had hoped to write an upbeat note about the events coming up this fall. But with the events that unfolded in Coquitlam last Friday, it is very difficult to compose a cheerful message. The senseless violence that claimed the life of yet another police officer who was doing his job has impacted his family, friends and the entire law enforcement community. Thank you for your service Cst. O’Brien and we pray that those who continue to serve their communities and our country will safely return home after every shift.
I wish to thank those who have volunteered to assist at the Regimental Funeral of Cst. O’Brien on Wednesday, October 4 at the Langley Event Centre. Many other Veterans are planning to march in the funeral procession and we thank them as well. For those who are unable to attend, please wear RED on October 4 in honour Cst. O’Brien.
On behalf of the Vancouver Division, I sent a letter of condolence to the Commanding Officer. A copy of the letter together with the CO’s response is attached.
Upcoming Events:
- We are still looking for volunteers to assist at the Burnaby Detachment Open House on Saturday, October 14. Please contact me if you can assist.
- Our October General Meeting is coming up on Thursday, October 19 at 11:30 am at Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club. Our guest speaker will be A/Comm. Maureen Levy, Commander, Lower Mainland District. Please advise Social Director, Dorothy Martinson if you are planning on attending – demartinson@shaw.ca or by phone: 604-261-4630. The cost is $50 per person. If you wish, you can pay for your lunch ahead of time through Interac e-Transfer. The email address for the Vancouver Division is rcmpvetsvan@shaw.ca. If your financial institution requires a contact name, use RCMP Vets Vancouver.
- We have been advised by the Vancouver Police SOA of the passing of Sgt. (Retd) Robert “Bob” Cooper. Bob joined the VPD June 17, 1974 and retired January 31, 2007. During his service, he worked in Patrol, C.L.E.U., Traffic Accident Investigation Squad, Traffic Enforcement Squad, Community Relations Unit, Internal Investigation, Detention Squad, Major Crime – Homicide, and on the General Investigative Team.
Take care and stay safe.