Quebec Division Memorial Service – Nov. 3, 2019
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members
Quebec Division Memorial Service
Dear Association Members,
On November 6th., 2019 a note came in from Yves Sirois, the Secretary of Quebec Division, that was incredibly heart-warming.
Yves’ note lays out the work of Quebec Division in assembling a most remarkable event to remember the families of deceased veterans.
As you will see in the images that Yves included, serving and retired members of the Force came together in common cause to remember those who gave their lives in the service of our country, Canada.
Jean Martin, Deputy Director of Communications for Quebec Division and Yves have provided a narrative of the event and that description follows.
Congratulations to Quebec Division for putting together such a stellar event.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Memorial service
Sainte Angèle Parish in St-Léonard (Montréal)
November, 3rd 2019
In the context of the Commemoration of the faithful departed and the Remembrance Day ceremonies, our Association members were invited to a unique ceremony.
As a matter of fact, our Chaplain, Father Yohann Leroux, Parish priest, Mrs. Caterina Staltari, pastoral activity of the Parish and ret. SM Robert Boivin prepared a very nice personalized ceremony filled with simplicity, protocol and emotions.
The Catholic community of Sainte-Angèle greeted the members of the RCMP Veterans of the Québec Region and their families with beautiful simplicity to commemorate our departed loved ones and theirs. Father Leroux celebrated this mass with great respect, with regard to protocol and a message of hope for this special occasion.
The parishioners made us feel part of their community. To our surprise, some of them were grateful that we contributed to liberate their mother land Italy from the fascists. Obviously, for them, we were the liberating Canadian soldiers.
After the mass, we shared a coffee of friendship and a quick bite, a tradition in Sainte Angèle. We noticed how proud Father Leroux was of his community. We could see in his eyes that he was glad that the day went as expected.
We wish to thank the organizers, the parishioners and members of bereaved families for their support. We lived a wonderful experience all together as the photos illustrate. Thank you so very much.
Jean Martin
Director Communications
Yves Sirois
Exec. Secretary
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Québec region.
7 novembre 2019.
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Nepean, Ontario
K2J 5E5