October 2nd – 3rd, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting – Ottawa – Part 3

The October 2nd – 3rd., 2019 Board of Directors Meeting – Ottawa
Dear Association Members,
The following is a summary of the BOD strategy meeting held at the Police College in Ottawa at the beginning of October. It will be broken up into a series of three messages to provide clarity regarding the discussions. This message constitutes the final segment, Part 3 of the report.
Our Annual General Meetings (AGM) also came under review. One option is a strictly functional (mandatory minimum) meeting in Ottawa with no host Division with the BOD hosting a post-AGM reception for those members attending the meeting in person. A second option would be the modified AGM that would be co-hosted with a local Division ((similar to the last three (3) in PEI, Manitoba, and the Yukon), where the BOD hosted a post AGM dinner, or lastly a full Convention hosted by a Division with the BOD contributing a hosting grant for the AGM related events.
In the matter of sponsorship, the Board is aware that both the Association and the Divisions are blessed with sponsors. Occasionally there is a conflict where an Association sponsorship may clash with a Division sponsorship. A policy will be developed to ensure that these kinds of conflicts don’t occur so that we don’t have one sponsor walking away from us because we have also been promoting a competitor. This is a work in progress.
The Board will also consider that the Association Executive Committee (AEC) (All Division Presidents) be present at the fall Strategic Planning Session of the BOD. This will require a by-law change. This change will consider rotating the location of the annual fall Strategic Planning Sessions between Ottawa and Regina.
What is considered a vital role for our Association is acting as an Ombudsman for our members. An explanation of how the Association speaks up for and works on behalf of our members should be forthcoming. This leads to the vitally important role of the BOD Directors communicating directly with our Association members through on the affairs – the opportunities and the challenges for keeping our Association healthy and being always relevant to its members. You will see more communications, over the months to come. The Board will also present its recommendations for bylaw changes and hope that you, our “shareholders” will support the strategic and action plans, as we move forward together.
Thank You,
Steve Walker
RCMP Veterans’ Association

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RCMP Veterans’ Association
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