Larry Burden’s This Day In The RCMP
Veteran Sgt. Larry Burden ( #35982) served in “E” Division for 20 years has spent over ten years researching and summarizing these achievements by specific date.
Nearly every day, Larry sends out an email message with a selection from his work in progress manuscript “This Day In The RCMP” to individuals interested in these historical notes.
In an effort to share his research to a large group, Larry has agreed to permit us to develop a webpage on our website. Each webpage will post Larry’s historical notations over the past week.
If you wish to contact Larry Burden or provide additional information about his research, please email him at
October 1

Photograph of “B” Squadron RNWMP members at Second River Barracks in April 1919 outside of Vladivostok Siberia
1918 – In the summer of 1918 the RNWMP was tasked with sending Expeditionary Force to eastern Siberia in Russia to support the counter-revolutionary forces in the Russian civil war. “B” Squadron of the Canadian Expeditionary Force commanded by a Supt. G. G. Worsley is created and 190 men are assembled through transfers and direct recruiting. Among the new recruits are three brothers from Radcliff Alberta. Luther, Frank and Robert Clare are assigned regimental number #7484, 7485 and 7486 respectively. In November, “B” Squadron comprised of six officers, 194 men and 1981 horses sail from Vancouver to Vladivostock where they continued to train and prepare to do their part in the supporting the Russians. Meanwhile public opposition toward the use of Canadian troops in a foreign civil war grew to the point that Prime Minister Robert Borden orders that they be gradually withdrawn and returned to Canada.
The men of “B” Squadron who have traveled all the way to Siberia are quite disappointed when they learn that they are being withdrawn without firing a shot. Worse than that they are told that they had to leave their horses in Russia for the White Russian Calvary. On May 18, 1919 the horses and six volunteers including Constable Luther Clare are loaded on trains and sent west thorough Manchuria and northern China while the remainder of the Squadron returns to Canada. While transporting the horses on the Trans-Siberian railway, the contingent was attacked near Lake Baikal and several Russian guards and many horses were killed. All six Mounties received commendations for their courage under fire and Sergeant Margetts was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal and Corporal Bossard who was wounded is awarded the Military Medal. The six men eventually found their own way back to Canada.

1913 – Photograph of Superintendent Philip Primrose (Source of photo – RCMP Historical Collections Unit – “Depot” Division).
1936 – Former Superintendent #O.56 Philip Carteret Hill Primrose is appointed the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Alberta. He was the first Lieutenant Governor of Alberta to die in office having served less than seven months.
He was born in Halifax Nova Scotia and was a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada at Kingston, Ontario. He was appointed an Inspector in the North-West Mounted Police on August 1, 1885 and was the son in law of Superintendent Richard Burton Deane. After retiring from the RNWMP in 1915 he became a Police Magistrate for the City of Edmonton and heard over 40,000 cases until he retired again in 1935. His son Neil Primrose was a Judge of the Trial Division, in the Supreme Court of Alberta.
1969 – Fifty two year old, William Leonard Higgitt a native of Anersley Saskatchewan becomes the fourteenth Commissioner of the Force and serves until December 28, 1973. Commissioner Higgett joined the Force in 1937.
1992 – The Star of Courage and the Medal of Bravery.
On October 1, 1992, at Port Coquitlam, British Columbia a trio of armed robbers led members of the Coquitlam detachment on a high-speed criminal pursuit after they had committed an armed robbery. Involved in the pursuit was #32504 Constable James Patrick Dickson and #27129 Sergeant Paul J. Giffin both of whom risked their lives in apprehending the culprits.
During the pursuit one of the robbers, who was armed with a handgun, began shooting at Cst. Dickson’s police car. In an effort to protect the public and end the pursuit Cst. Dickson rammed the robbers’ vehicle with his car, forcing it into a rock wall. The three suspects then fled on foot from their getaway car and Constable Dickson managed to apprehend one of them.
Sgt. Giffin was also involved in the pursuit and when the robbers fled on foot he left his car and chased after them. He followed the armed robber into a nearby pub and confronted the man, ordering him to drop his gun. The robber refused and then aimed his gun at Sgt. Giffin as Cst. Dickson arrived who also demanded that the man put down his weapon. When the gunman turned his gun on the Constable, Dickson shot, and killed the gunman.
In recognition of their courage in the face of danger both officers received the Commissioner’s Commendation for bravery and on September 15, 1995 Constable James Patrick Dickson was awarded the Star of Courage and Sgt. Paul J. Giffin the Medal of Bravery.
1992 – On this day, “Old Pokey” CF-MPO was sold to the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. The RCMP deHavilland DHC3 single engine Otter was originally purchased by the Royal Canadian Air Force and put into service on August 24, 1954 as RCAF #3686.
It was purchased by the RCMP on October 27, 1964 and refurbished and put into service as C-FMPO. Throughout its nearly 28 year career the plane saw service throughout the north based in the Pas, Manitoba, Inuvik, NWT and Edmonton Alberta. Retired on April 14, 1992 it was sold through Crown assets to the 825 Air Cadet Squadron in Yellowknife. The crew on her last flight to Yellowknife consisted of Inspector J.M. Norma, retired Staff Sergeant N. Muffit and L. Goyer of Transport Canada.
October 2
1873 – #33 Sub Constable James McKernan along with several other men became part of the first contingent of new recruits to the NWMP departing this day from Ottawa and traveling by train to Collingwood, Ontario. There they spent two days waiting their boat to arrive and then the traveled across Lake Superior aboard the Steamer “Chicora” in rough weather to Thunder Bay.
From there they traveled via the Dawson route with its 47 portages to Lake Shabandwin by horse and wagon teams and then traveled by small boats to Rainy Lake. When they arrived at the Lake of the Woods, they continued aboard a steamer, arriving at Northwest Angle in a blizzard. From there they went by foot, walking 36 miles with their baggage in ox carts, overland to Fort Garry in Manitoba. Although these men had joined in Ontario, they were not paid until they were sworn in as members of the NWMP when they had reached Fort Gary in Manitoba!
James McKernan served in the NWMP until 1877.
1880 – The first Adjutant officer of the NWMP and nephew of Prime Minister MacDonald dies.

Photograph of NWMP Supt. Edmund Clark.
Despite the efforts of #O.38 Surgeon George Kennedy, #O.9 (Captain) Superintendent Edmund Dalrymple Clark age 32, the nephew of the wife of Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald died of “gastritis” or “Mountain Fever” at Fort Walsh. He was buried in Plot 2 at the NWMP cemetery at the Fort.
Lady Susan Agnes MacDonald, the Prime Ministers second wife commissioned an elaborate tombstone for Clarke’s grave and had it shipped west requesting that it be place on her nephew’s grave and that she wished to have his grave kept in good order. By the time the grave marker arrived, Fort Walsh had been abandoned and the post moved 40 miles away to Maple Creek. So it was stored in a freight shed at Maple Creek and was promptly forgotten.
In 1886, Frederick White the Comptroller of the NWMP, sent a telegram from Winnipeg to #O.13 Superintendent John H. McIllree, the Officer Commanding Maple Creek advising him that Lady MacDonald was en route from Winnipeg to Maple Creek on a CPR train and that she wanted to visit her nephew’s grave. The telegram was not received until late in the evening so the Superintendent woke #177 Constable Ike Forbes and ordered him to assemble a cleanup crew and travel immediately to Fort Walsh, which had been abandoned in 1883. The six men rushed to the freight shed and loaded the tombstone and then raced with shovels and scythes through the dark to the abandoned cemetery where they cleaned the grave and installed the forgotten tombstone.
When Lady MacDonald and Fred White arrived, Sergeant Major W. A. Douglas took them to Fort Walsh horse and wagon. There she toured the grounds and was very impressed with the condition of the grave marker and the cemetery! The distinguished guests were on a very tight schedule because they had to catch an eastbound train in order to reunite with the Prime Minister. So Lady MacDonald took her seat beside Sgt/Major Douglas who then raced the team of horses as fast as he could down the winding bumpy road bouncing and jostling his passengers about the wagon. Douglas drove the team of horses so hard that one the horses collapsed and died in its harness. But the S/Major didn’t bother to stop, instead he had one of the accompanying constables gallop up and hold the train while he cut the dead horse free and proceeded on with a three horse team delivering Canada’s First Lady and the Comptroller of the Force to their train on time!
October 3
1914 – Constable #3708 James Profit arrived in Peace River Alberta after traveling from Hudson’s Hope British Columbia to obtain his discharge from the Force so he could enlist in the 31st Battalion for service in WW1. He was issued military regimental number 79873 and he served with distinction. On September 15, 1916 he was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM), the second highest award for gallantry in action after the Victoria Cross. Sadly James Profit was killed in action in France only nine days later.
1995 – #44571 Constable Mark Kellock received the Commissioner’s Commendation for bravery after he rescued a person from a fire near Victoria, BC.
October 4
1970 – Honour Roll Number 140.

Photograph of Constable William Joseph Green (Reg.#26402).
#26402 Constable William Joseph Green age 21, died as a result of injuries he received in a motor vehicle accident, while responding to a call at Invermere, B.C.
At approximately 7:50 pm Cst. Green was dispatched to a complaint and was proceeding down highway #93/95 near Invermere BC, when the radio room heard him say “There’s been an accident.” Both his wife, who was a detachment matron, nor the radio dispatcher, understood what he saying and then they heard him say, “The car’s on fire.” That was the last thing his wife heard him say.
For twenty minutes they tried to raise him on the radio, when three men rushed into the detachment office and reported that there had been an accident involving a police car and that it was burning in the ditch and that the police officer had been taken to the hospital. His wife rushed to the Invermere Hospital and two hours later she was told that he had died.
The investigation into the crash determined that, while on route to the complaint and as he approached the intersection of Highway # 93/95 a car driven by Mr. Felix Capilo made a sudden left turn in front of him and they collided. The force of the crash spun the police car into the ditch where it rolled over, caught fire, and exploded. Passing motorists saw the wreckage burning in the ditch and pulled Constable Green from wreckage and he was transported to the hospital. Mr. Capilo died of his injuries but his wife and two children survived the collision.
Constable William J. Green and Miss Rose Marie Holubowick had only been married for less than one month. He was buried with full honours in the Nelson Cemetery.
1975 – Constables #28863 Larry R. Meister and #32069 D. Harvey MacLeod responded to a break and enter in progress in Bay l’Argent, Newfoundland. Upon their arrival, the thief shot at them with a shotgun. The two members took cover and spoke calmly to the gunman and eventually negotiated his safe arrest. Both members received Commanding Officers commendations for their actions.
1982 – #36572 Cst Louis Helmes received a commendation from the Ottawa City Police.
While on leave in Ottawa, Constable Helmes saw a burglar exit a house with knife. Recognizing that he was witnessing a theft in progress, he tackled the culprit and wrestled with him, but the suspect broke free. Helmes then chased the man and assisted by members of the Ottawa City Police caught culprit.
1993 – Clayoquot Sound British Columbia was the scene of environmental activists protesting the cutting of old growth timber. On this day the activists closed down their anti-logging protest camp on Vancouver Island for the winter. Over the previous three months of demonstrations700 activists had been arrested.
1998 – Constable #45481 Michael Darren Caudron responded to a domestic dispute complaint involving a shooting on the Frog Lake First Nation reserve, 16 km northwest of Mayerthorpe Alberta.
When he arrived at the scene, he had no way of knowing that the assailant had committed suicide. With the assistance of Mr. Leonard (Rocky) Wade, they entered the home risking their lives by placing themselves in the suspect’s line of fire, while they removed the wounded woman to safety so she could be transported to a hospital. Unfortunately she died of her wounds. When they went back into the house to arrest the gunman, they discovered that he committed suicide.
On May 3, 2002, Constable Caudron and Mr. Wade were presented to RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli at a ceremony at RCMP head quarters in Edmonton, where he presented them with the Commissioner’s Commendation for bravery, for demonstrating outstanding courage in the face of danger.
2003 – The Saskatchewan Safety Council “Traffic Safety Award” was given to #35758 Corporal John Stevenson, for his involvement in a wide range of safety programs.
This was one of many awards Stevenson has received for his commitment to traffic safety. Other awards that he has received include the honourable mention award from the Canada Safety Council for snowmobile safety; the Commanding Officer’s Commendation for collision analyst work within Saskatchewan and the Commanding Officer’s Certificate of Appreciation for snowmobile collision investigation work.
October 5
1905 – #4114 Constable Norman Conradi received a promotion to Corporal for saving an entire family from a prairie fire. While on patrol near Manitou Lake, 6km East of Marsden Saskatchewan. Constable Conradi saw a fire sweeping across the prairie towards the Young family farm. He galloped to the farm and then helped Mr. Young plow a firebreak around the house. The fire jumped the firebreak and proceeded to the pond where the farmer’s wife and her ten children had retreated. Despite burns to arms and his uniform, Constable Conradi galloped into the pond and grabbed up two smaller children, and led all of them to safety. His horse was so badly burned in the rescue that it had to be put down.
1935 – Honour Roll Numbers 56, 57, 58.

Photographs of (left to right): Sgt. Thomas Wallace (Reg.#11732)and Constable John Shaw (Reg.#11582)
Constables #11582 John George Shaw, #10946 George Campbell Harrison and #11326 Sergeant Thomas Sellar Wallace were three of four police officers murdered by a trio of Doukhobor robber suspects, over a five day crime spree that spread over nearly 800 miles, across three Provinces.
The ordeal began on the night of Friday October 4th, when Constable Shaw of the Swan River Detachment and Benito Town Constable, William Wainwright checked an unlicensed open touring car in Benito Manitoba, which had been seen in the vicinity of a recent robbery. The vehicle contained three young, clean-cut, well-dressed men, identified as Joseph Posnikoff, John Kalmakoff and Peter Voiken who were the sons of Russian farmers from the Doukhobor sect.
After questioning the three, and searching their car and finding nothing of interest, the two constables departed. Later the policemen learned that the trio were suspects in a crime and were wanted by the Pelly Detachment, so they returned to look for them. Shortly after 4:00 am on Saturday October 5th, they located them with a fourth man named Paul Bugera. The trio was arrested and without being searched, was placed in the rear seat of the unmarked police car. Paul Bugera was released and instructed to drive the suspect’s car home while they transported them to Pelly. When they were traveling down Highway #49 the three men in the back seat suddenly attacked the two policemen. One slashed Wainwright in the head and neck with a knife and then attacked Constable Shaw who was driving; he tried to fend of the attacker and received a slash on the hand and his cheek. They quickly overpowered Wainright and grabbed his .38 caliber revolver and then shot him in the face with his own gun. Another attacker then shot Constable Shaw three times in the back of the head with a .32 caliber handgun as the police car went into the ditch. The three men dragged the bodies of the two dead policemen out of the car, and after stripping them of valuables; they threw their bodies into a muddy slough by the road.
They then drove away in the unmarked police car-heading west towards Saskatchewan. When neither policeman showed up by noon on Saturday as expected, a search was begun for the missing policemen and the unmarked car.
Two days later on October 7th, a local farmer’ John Kollenchuk, found the two bodies of the murdered policemen and a hunt was organized across the prairie provinces, by then the murderers were in Alberta.
On Monday October 7th, prior to the bodies being found, the fugitives had reached the east gate of Banff National Park about 60 miles (100 kilometers) west of Calgary, and were turned back because they did not have the $2.00 entrance fee. When they arrived at Exshaw, Alberta, they purchased $1.00 worth of gas and Lucille Zeller, the gas attendant’s wife, recognized the Manitoba Licence plate from a news broadcast she had heard on the radio about a stolen police car. She called the Canmore Detachment and advised them that she had located the missing police car and that it was headed west towards Banff. Canmore Detachment then advised the Banff Detachment, who in turn mobilized men to intercept the stolen car.
#11326 Sgt. Thomas Sellar Wallace and #11732 Cst. George “Nipper” Coombe who were off duty and in civilian clothing, jumped in a police car with Constables #10946 George “Scotty” Harrison and #11764 Cst. Alexander G. Campbell and they headed east to intercept the stolen car.
Meanwhile the fugitives had stopped a car and robbed an elderly couple of their cash and valuables, and then idiotically they continued to follow their victims back towards Banff National Park in the dark When the couple saw the police car driving toward them they hailed them and told the policemen that they had been robbed and that the culprits were in the car following them.
Sgt. Wallace and Cst. Harrison got out their car and illuminated by the headlights, started walking toward the suspect vehicle, when they were met with a hail of bullets, hitting Harrison in the throat and striking Wallace in the chest. When Constable Harrison hit the ground he managed to shoot out the headlights of the suspect’s car before he collapsed in to unconsciousness. Sgt. Wallace continued shooting as he backed up to his police car and called for more ammunition.
When another police car driven by #8500 Cpl. John P. Bonner, arrived at the scene, the three fugitives fled into the surrounding woods. Cst. Campbell then loaded the two wounded policemen into his car and raced to the Canmore Hospital, where due to the seriousness of their wounds, they were transferred to hospital in Calgary.
Back at the scene, Cst. Coombe saw some movement in the heavy bush and shone a light on the area, he saw a man with a revolver, took aim and shot. When he advanced, he found he had killed Joseph Posnikoff who still had Cst. Wainwright’s stolen police revolver in his hand
As increasing numbers of police officers and volunteers arrived to help catch the killers, all of the highways were closed off and all moving vehicles and trains traveling between Banff and Calgary were searched. Armed search teams were organized and tasked with separately searching likely areas for the wanted men. #11462 Cst. John Cawesy with police dog “Dale” picked up a track and even though it was raining and then snowing they quickly found the fugitives scent and then located their tracks in the mud.
At 10:30 am on Tuesday, October 8th, near Seven Mile Hill, one of the small search teams was fired upon from the bush. Unfortunately for the fugitives, the search team included former Mountie and then Banff Park Warden William “Dickie” Neish who was an excellent marksman. He shot back, and heard a scream; he then saw movement in the tree line and the saw the glint of a rifle barrel over a log and fired several shots. Both fugitives were mortally wounded and Kalmakoff was found with a .303 rifle. They were driven to the Banff Mineral Springs where they lapsed into unconsciousness and died shortly afterwards.
The two wounded policemen had been transferred to the Colonel Belcher Hospital in Calgary and had died that same day. Sgt. Wallace had died with his wife by his side at 6:45 am, and Constable Harrison had died at 5:45 pm.
Cst. John Shaw was buried in Birchwood Cemetery, at Swan River, Manitoba with full military honours. He had been a decorated veteran of WW1, when he had served as a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps.
A massive military funeral was held in Calgary for Sgt. Wallace and Constable Harrison. Sgt. Wallace was buried in the Union Cemetery, in Calgary, Alberta and Cst. Harrison was buried in the Banff Cemetery. The body of John Kalmakoff was buried in an unmarked grave in Saskatchewan; nobody came forward to claim the bodies of Joe Posinkoff or Peter Woken. The public outrage at the murder of the four policemen was so strong that their bodies had to be taken to Morely Alberta and buried in an unmarked grave adjacent to the Wesley Cemetery.
1943 – While serving at Fort Resolution, NWT, #13781 Constable Leonard Clevette had been assigned the task of arresting a local Indian, Francois Beaulieu, and escort him back to the detachment office. While attempting the arrest, Clevette was shot twice by the suspect, receiving two severe wounds to his left forearm and to his right shoulder.
The wound to his forearm tore open his arm from the wrist to his elbow and his wounds were serious enough that he needed to be transported to Fort Smith as soon as it was possible. Fortunately, US Army pilot, Lieutenant Albert. T. Hill had landed on the Resolution airfield and when he heard of the incident offered to unload his cargo and take the wounded constable to Fort Smith. The local doctor decided to keep Clevette at the Fort Resolution hospital until morning, so Lt. Hill stayed the night and at 10:00 am, he transport both Dr. Riople and his patient to Fort Smith. Constable Clevette recovered from his wounds and retired as a Sergeant in 1964.

Photograph of British High Commissioner to Canada: James Cross.
1970 – The British High Commissioner to Canada, James Cross, is kidnapped by members of the Front de Liberation du Quebec FLQ during the October crisis.
At 8:45 a.m. five members of the FLQ (Front de Libération du Québec) go to the Westmount Quebec home of the British Trade Commissioner James R. Cross and kidnap him at gunpoint. The terrorist group consists of Jacques Lanctot, Marc Carbonneau, Louise and Jacques Cossette-Trudel and Yves Langlois.
The FLQ deliver a communiqué demanding a $500,000 ransom, and the release of 23 ‘political’ prisoners. James Cross is held as a hostage for one month 28 days and was finally released after the group convinced the government to give them safe passage to Cuba.
October 6
1955 – Honour Roll Number 111.

Photograph of Constable Charles William Reay (Reg.#15303).
#15303 Constable Charles William Reay age 27, drowned in the Churchill River.
Constable Charles Reay was an eight-year member of the RCMP and was stationed at Flin Flon Manitoba. While out on patrol he was required cross the Churchill River at Island Falls, Saskatchewan, in a 17-foot semi-freighter canoe powered 5hp outboard motor.
When he was approximately 200 yards from shore, the motor stalled, and he tried several times to restart it. When he stood up to get more leverage on the pull cord he slipped and fell overboard. The canoe remained upright and began drifting away with two life jackets still onboard. Weighed down with heavy clothing and rubber overshoes, Constable Reay struggled for a short time in the frigid water before he was overcome by hypothermia and slipped below the surface.
A witness who saw him fall in the water, launched a small boat in effort to save him, but by the time he had gotten to where Reay had fallen in, he had disappeared. A dragging operation was begun immediately, but the body was not recovered for three hours.
The body of Constable Reay was escorted back to his wife and three year old daughter in Flin Flon and later buried in his hometown of Camrose Alberta.
1976 – In celebration of the centennial of the Royal Military College in Kingston Ontario, six former Cadets were awarded honorary degrees.
Included in the august company was former Commissioner George Brinton McClelland (63-67) who graduated in the class of 1929 as Cadet No. 1921. He was awarded a Doctor of Laws, honorus causa.
2007 – Honour Roll Number 219.

Photograph of Constable John Worden (Reg.#49314)
#49314 Constable Christopher John Worden age 30 was murdered attending a routine call by himself in Hay River NWT.
Hay River is small community near Great Slave Lake, 400 kilometers south of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territory and is not unlike many towns in the north that are besieged by illicit drugs and the problems they bring.
At 05:03 am Cst. Worden was dispatched to a housing complex to deal with a report of a suicidal man. After dealing with the call, he proceeded to leave the scene before he had advised the dispatcher. He noticed a taxi in front of another residence down the street that was a known for selling Crack Cocaine.
Cst. Worden stopped his police car behind the cab and got out to question the occupants. As he exited his car he noted two passengers inside the taxicab and a third man approaching the car. Worden was about to search the third man when he suddenly ran off and Worden pursued him on foot into a wooded area near the apartment buildings. Then four gunshots were heard.
After two hours of searching he was found lying on his side, curled up with his hand near his face, having received gunshot wounds to the neck, chest and abdomen. His handgun was still in its holster.
The investigation into who murdered the constable started immediately and it didn’t take the police that long to identify the prime suspect as 23 year-old drug dealer Emrah Bulatci who was now on the run. Six days later Emrah Bulatci was found hiding in a townhouse in Edmonton Alberta. He was charged with first-degree murder and was convicted two years later and sentenced to life in prison with no parole for 25 years.
During the trial twenty-three year old Jared Nagle, who was charged for accessory after the fact, testified that he and Bulatci sold crack cocaine in Hay River and that Bulatci told him that he ran behind an apartment building and was out of breath, he pulled his gun out of his pocket, cocked it and fired it twice and Constable Worden. Though wounded Worden lunged at him, and took him to the ground. During the struggle he reached around Worden’s neck and shot him in the head.
During the trial the accused told the jury he shot the policeman because he was banned from carrying weapons and if he were found with a gun, he would automatically receive six years in jail. He also testified that he fired twice at the officer’s legs during a foot chase, but never meant to kill him. He said the fatal two shots were accidental as the pair wrestled on the ground for control of Bulatci’s gun.
Constable Worden’s remains were flown to his hometown of Ottawa where a regimental funeral took place at Notre Dame Basilica. A solemn procession of hundreds of RCMP officers along with his wife and family followed the flag-draped coffin from nearby Parliament Hill to the basilica. The church was filled to overflow, so a large screen was installed outside the church so several hundred people could watch the ceremony. After the ceremony he was laid to rest in the RCMP National Memorial graveyard in Ottawa.
October 7
1913 – In a scene reminiscent of the Beverly Hillbilly’s William Stewart Herron a local horse wrangler, noticed gas bubbling out of an old mine shaft on the Dingman site in Okotoks near Calgary. After he collected samples and discovers oil, he formed a company to drill on the site sparking Alberta’s first oil boom.

Photograph of the grave marker for Frederick Lush (Source of photo – Veterans Affairs – The Virtual War Memorial).
1914 – #5396 Cst Frederick Lush, who was an Imperial Army Reservist, was granted a free discharge to rejoin his colours for service in WWI. He was killed in action on September 24, 1916 in France. Check out additional details on the Veterans Affairs Website here.
1963 – Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) leader Georges Schoeters is given 2 five-year terms for terrorist activities and Gabriel Hudon and Raymond Villeneuve get 12 years for death of Wilfred O’Neill, a watchman at Montreal’s Canadian Army Recruitment Centre.
1991 – #35980 Constable Dale Clarke and Mr. Gabriel Lafferty saved the life of a fisherman who was stranded on his disabled vessel on Great Slave Lake in a violent storm.
1997 – The RCMP is ordered to make reparations of $2 million to former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney for defamatory accusations released during the Airbus enquiry.
October 8
1935 – # 10946 Constable George Campbell Harrison and # 11326 Sgt. Thomas Sellar Wallace were killed at Banff National Park, while attempting to apprehend the three murderers of Constable Shaw. See October 5th.
1971 – The Supreme Court of Canada rules that under the Bill of Rights, Native Indian women cannot be deprived of their Indian status because of marriage to non-Indian.
1975 – Honour Roll Number 151.

Photograph of Constable John Brian Baldwinson (Source of photo – Surrey RCMP Detachment). #25163 Constable John Brian Baldwinson age 29 was killed in a police motor vehicle accident, in Surrey BC.
At 1:35 am, eight year veteran, Constabe John Baldwinson was working in plain clothes and driving in an unmarked police car south on the Pacific Highway in Surrey, when he passed another police car driven by #28553 Darrel Graves. Suddenly his car disappeared in a cloud smoke and sparks as it careened out of control into a drainage ditch and a pile of steel pipes as he was thrown some 30 feet through air. He was transported to hospital in New Westminster, but was pronounced dead on arrival.
Investigation into the crash revealed that he had hit a horse that had escaped from its pasture and wandered onto the highway. The force of the impact sent the horse through the windshield into Constable Baldwinson and through to the back window.
Constable John Brian Baldwinson was buried at Valleyview Cemetery in Toronto Ontario. He had a wife and two young children.
1989 – #32050 Constable J.R.Gilles Gosselin earned a Commanding Officers Commendation after apprehending an armed and dangerous man at Hedley, B.C.