Driver of Stolen Vehicle Shot While Fleeing

This is a general broadcast to all members of the Association
Member of Bible Hill Detachment, Nova Scotia involved in shooting
Dear Association Members,
This is to advise that a member of the Force has been involved in a fatal shooting in Truro, Nova Scotia on Saturday, August 10, 2019 at approx. 2:30AM. RCMP Spokesperson, Cpl. Jennifer Clarke advised that this involved an attempt by the member to stop a stolen vehicle. The driver of the stolen vehicle apparently struck the member who was standing outside his car. “The member then fired his service pistol at the vehicle, killing the lone occupant” said Cpl. Clarke.
The member is in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
A more complete accounting may be read at the Chronicle Herald website which is available from the following link:
RCMP officer shoots driver of stolen vehicle in Truro
Association members may also wish to read the legal defence that is available to a member in these instances. The information is from the RCMP External Review Committee. You may wish to read in particular the “Relevant Policy” portion of the information followed by the “Eligibility criteria”.
The following is the link to that informatio:
Obtaining legal advice: what are the rights of RCMP members?
Cpl. Clarke has also advised that the Force is rendering support to the member’s family and colleagues.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association