Always Serving Our Communities

New building for food and clothing in Nova Scotia

Even after retirement, most RCMP veterans still serve their community.

Freedom Kitchen, an outreach program of the Knox United Church in Lower Sackville, NS is providing hot meals to this suburban community.  A program that served 15 meals on its first night of operation now serves approximately 325 individuals every Monday night.

Four of our veterans showed up in negative temperatures to pound nails and others, who could not build, provided cash towards the materials.

One member wrote grants which succeeded in getting $60,000 in funding towards building materials and the continued success of the program that targets the homeless and those in need of food security.  Clothing is also available as well as personal care items.

One individual, who a year ago, was living under a tarpaulin in the woods with only heat from a camp fire came for meals.  As he became known, we were able to refer him to a shelter and, from there, he moved into a shipping container fitted out as a small home on a farm where he looks after the horses.   The farm owner, a strong supporter of Freedom Kitchen, took him under his wing.  As a result, this once homeless man has contributed to Freedom Kitchen by pounding nails alongside our veterans.  Veterans, who years ago, would have referred to him as a serious client.  He has made the statement ” You guys are the first people who have treated me like a human being”.

The Freedom Kitchen has delivered and served approximately 17,000 free meals through strictly volunteers.

And our veterans from ”H” division played a part in this … even cooking the meals.

Stay healthy and be well.

Fred Gallop, Reg. # 29117

Submitted by your communications team.



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