Upcoming Events and Dates

Upcoming Events and Dates

We would like to remind you of some upcoming events:

1.      October General Meeting

When:  October 19, 2023
Where:  Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club, 18150 – 8 Avenue, Surrey
Time:  11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Cost:  $50.00 per person
Guest Speaker:  Our Guest Speaker will be RCMP A/Comm. Maureen Levy, District Commander, LMD District.

Please advise Social Director, Dorothy Martinson if you are planning on attending – demartinson@shaw.ca or by phone: 604-261-4630.

If you wish, you can pay for your lunch ahead of time through Interac e-Transfer.  The email address for the Vancouver Division is rcmpvetsvan@shaw.ca.  If your financial institution requires a contact name, use RCMP Vets Vancouver.

2.     Burnaby Detachment Open House

We still need some volunteers to assist at the Burnaby Detachment Open House on Saturday, October 14.  Please contact Ron Morse (rimorse021@gmail.com) if you are able to help out.

3.       Chilliwack Christmas Lunch

The Chilliwack Christmas lunch will take place on Monday, December 4 at the Chilliwack Curling Club.  Further details to come.

4.      Vancouver Division Christmas Levee

Mark your calendar!  Our Christmas Levee will be held on Wednesday, December 13 at 3:00 pm at Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club, 18150 – 8 Avenue, Surrey.  Members and guests are welcome.  More information to follow