S/Sgt. Art Levins 100th Birthday Celebration

More on Art Levins’ Birthday Celebration

Dear Members of the Association,

Mr. Lance Saunders of Calgary Division has provided some excellent colour to go with the story of Calgary Division member Art Levins’ birthday.

First off rumour has it that Mr. Saunders and his team worked closely with media outlets to bring Art’s birthday to their attention and, as was earlier reported, Lance’s labours were well rewarded. As you will see further on there was even more coverage than that provided in the Calgary Herald.

Lance has also sent along some observations about Art from Calgary Division Director Bob Kells,

It was one of the greatest celebrations I have witnessed. Originally, we planned to have a celebration inside however that could not happen because of COVID. [There are a number of cases in this facility.] So instead of being inside we moved to a parade. As you know the CBC and the Herald were there as well. Lance and I stood outside, in our red blazers, with at least a dozen other people, including 3 from the K of C, his two nieces and others. Lance did a great job in recruiting the media. We had at least 8 CPS vehicles, a fire truck, RCMP vehicles and many others with flags and signs on their cars. The city police blocked off the road so the parade would turn left from 45 St. onto Seton Blvd. Auburn Heights is on the corner and Art was on the 4th floor. I talked to the Director of the facility and told her what we were doing. [She had previously invited Lance and I inside to attend the birthday party.] Feeling that Saturday would have been her day off, I asked her if she could get someone to stand with Art on the balcony. She said that she was going to do that herself! I think another staff person also came in on her day off to be there as well.

As the vehicles going past with sirens blazing and horns honking Mary Anne had to quit playing the bagpipes until after the parade. Everybody was cheering and waving and Art was waving back. After the parade was over – it didn’t last all that long – Lance did an interview with the CBC and Herald.

Glad you saw the write up.

Overall, I would call it a very successful birthday celebration under the very trying circumstances.

Glad I was part of it.


And From the Knights of Columbus,

Happy 100th Birthday Art Levins

The Knights of Columbus of St. Bonaventure Parish congratulate our Brother Knight, Arthur (Art) Levins on his 100th birthday Saturday, November 28, 2020.

Brother Knight Art was very active in the Council for many years. He is an inspiration to all who know him. Art has generously supported the parish, our council & country. As a proud member of the RCMP, he served our country for many decades including long & isolated assignments in the Arctic during WW2. Brother Art embodies the four tenants of our Order, Charity, Unity, Fraternity & Patriotism in an exemplary manner.

A mass will be celebrated for his intention on Tuesday, Dec 1 at 9 am at St Bonaventure. ——————————–

I hope this information will be place on his file for Historic reasons.



Lance also provided some of his own observations,

I want to thank all of our RCMP Veterans that took part in this very successful 100th birthday celebration.

I especially want to thank Bob Kells who assisted in organizing this event; Gerry Lynch who led our Veterans in the parade; Al Habberfield our Bulletin Editor who took photographs; and Dave Henry who assisted in keeping everyone in line.

In separate messages I will thank C/Supt Trevor Daroux, OC RCMP Calgary South Dist. and RCMP Members; Sgt. Steve Campbell and Members of the CPS Traffic Div.; Calgary Fire Dept.; Calgary Police Service Piper, Mary Ann Houston, who provided liaison with CPS and CFD and was amazing on the bagpipes; Art’s family, Linda Gutor, Shirley Buyer and her husband John; retired CPS Sgt. Mike Saunders who provided backup to Al Habberfield and is producing a video of the event which will be available to our Veterans; Calgary Herald and CBC reporters who recorded and reported the event; retired CEO Fort Calgary Museum Sara Jane Greutzner who attended in her RCMP Vets red blazer; and Members of the Knights of Columbus.

Thanks to all of you,

Lance Saunders
Director Communications
RCMP Veterans Association, Calgary Division
Email: lance@saundersgroup.ca

Lance has also sent us the link to a video covering the birthday celebrations which appears below.
Congratulations to Art and all of Calgary Division for such an outstanding effort.

James Forrest
Director of Communications


A truly heart-warming event



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