Ric Hall’s Photo Corner
For this week, Ric Hall has selected the photo theme of “2014 British Columbia Police Officer Memorial Service at Abbotsford British Columbia.”
The following photographs were taken by Ric Hall while attending this memorial service.

Photograph of the mounted police escort for the 2014 British Columbia Police Officer Memorial service at Abbotsford, BC (Source of photo – Ric Hall).

Photograph of the RCMP Pipe Band leading the RCMP contingent for the 2014 British Columbia Police Officer Memorial service at Abbotsford, B.C. (Source of photo – Ric Hall).

Photograph of current and past RCMP officers stationed at Surrey Detachment (Source of photo – Ric Hall).

Photograph of “E” Division Sergeant Major Dave Hall at the 2014 British Columbia Police Officer Memorial (Source of photo – Ric Hall).

Photograph of the 2014 Police Officer Memorial service with representatives from many British Columbia and United States police organizations (Source of photo – Ric Hall).

Photograph of (left to right): S/S/Major Andy Martin; S/Major Dave Hall; S/S/Major Aaron Paradis and S/S/Major John Buis (Source of photo – Ric Hall).
2014 BC Law Enforcement Memorial Video by the Abbotsford Police Department.
If you have any old Force photographs which you would like to have included in a forthcoming Photo Corner webpage, please email Ric at rshall69@shaw.ca. He will scan the photographs and return the originals to you.