Ric Hall’s Photo Corner
For this week, Ric Hall has selected the photo theme of “Marilyn Monroe and The RCMP.”
In our July 11th, 2014 edition of the RCMP Veterans Communique, we sought the assistance of RCMP Veterans to identify the RCMP Corporal photographed with Marilyn Monroe during the filming of the movie “River Of No Return.” Veteran Jack O’Reilly advised us that this member was #13422 Raymond Cooper Morris.
The River Of No Return was filmed in Banff, Jasper National Parks and Lake Louise Alberta. While on set, Marilyn was photographs with several RCMP members and these photographs are included below:

Photograph of Constable J.E. ‘Duke’ Snyder (Regt. #17265) Marilyn Monroe and Constable Al P. Dirk (Reg. #17238) (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of RCMP Corporal Ray Morris and Marilyn Monroe (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of RCMP Corporal Ray Morris standing beside the canoe with Marilyn Monroe (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of Marilyn Monroe with RCMP Corporal Ray Morris in the background (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
If you have any old Force photographs that Ric Hall could in a forthcoming Photo Corner webpage, please email Ric at rshall69@shaw.ca. Ric will scan the photos and return the original to you.