Respect Forum – October 29, 2019
RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division
Vancouver Division Membership Assistance Required
Below is a copy of an email received from Respect Forum Vancouver requesting participation in the upcoming Respect Forum to be held in Vancouver on Tuesday, October 29, 2019.
The Vancouver Division Executive would like to seek out a member of our Division who would like to attend this Forum on Veteran Post Traumatic Stress and Homelessness on behalf of the Division. We believe that it is important to have representation at the event but, unfortunately, no executive member is available.
Please advise President, Bob Underhill, at or 604-789-7575 if you are interested in attending.
Thank you, Donna Morse, Past President
Subject: Hold the Date
Dear Colleague,
The Respect Forum is returning to Vancouver on the morning of Tuesday, the 29th of October. Please spread the word and hold the date for this valuable networking opportunity!
Once again coffee and a light breakfast will be waiting for you!
For more information on the Respect Forum initiative and dates and locations of other Forums across Canada please visit our website at
Best regards
Paul Leslie
Facilitator, Respect Forum Vancouver