RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – June/July 2020 Report


(Vancouver Division)



Regarding the Ladies Auxiliary, there has been little to report because we have been in shut-down mode since early March 2020, but it is important to keep in touch with our members during the COVID-19 situation. 

Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meetings in 2020:- An official decision was made by our Ladies Auxiliary Executive to wait until February 2021 to meet and have luncheon/ meetings again at “Hazelmere.”  This would be the normal start for our luncheon/meetings for the coming year 2021.  We have had word from a number of our members that they did not feel comfortable in getting together until then.  Many are in the age range where they have to be extra careful about contracting the virus and/or unconsciously passing it along to others.  Although “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club” has assured us that they are doing everything possible to continue serving meals, although on a reduced scale, our Executive did not feel that this was enough to encourage us to hold meetings at this time.  The forecast for the Virus for the Fall months is still pessimistic, but, if there is a drastic change (improvement) in the present COVID 19 situation, enabling us to meet again before 2021, you will be advised accordingly.  The Vancouver R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association is also seriously considering changes to their luncheon/meetings for the rest of 2020.

Address/Telephone Changes:  Please be advised that there have been address and telephone changes for two of our Ladies Auxiliary members;  Helen Brown and Kathy Turnbull.  For this new information, please contact Dorothy at (604) 261-4630

If there have been other address or contact changes for our members, please let us know.

Cancellation:  We are sorry that we have had to cancel our proposed “Fall Fashion Show,” due to the COVID-19.  We are hoping to have this show for our March 2021 luncheon/meeting and will keep in touch with the two Ladies Wear Stores regarding this event.

To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the R.C.M.P. Veterans):  www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com.

Dorothy Martinson, Past President
R.C.M.P Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division) demartinson@shaw.ca
(604) 261-4630