RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – January 2020 Report

(Vancouver Division)


January 2020

February 6, 2020 Ladies Auxiliary Birthday Luncheon/Meeting:  The Vancouver Division’s Ladies Auxiliary’s 84th Birthday/Anniversary will be celebrated this date.  Ladies Auxiliary members are reminded to wear something red, to also celebrate Heart Month and February’s St. Valentine’s Day.  Mr. George Garrett, an Honorary Member of the Vancouver R.C.M.P. Veterans Assn., will be our Guest Speaker, presenting his newest publication about his own life, titled “Intrepid Reporter.”  We will be meeting in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club,” and everyone is asked to be seated at 11:45 p.m. prior to the buffet lunch at noon.  The cost per person for the buffet lunch remains at $25.00 each.

Bereavement: It has just been realized that we were remiss in not announcing, in our previous Monthly Report, the passing of Ladies Auxiliary Life Member, Louisa Northorp.  She was the widow of retired R.C.M.P. Supt., Bruce Northorp.  Louisa previously resided in Burnaby, B.C. but passed away in Langley, B.C. where she was residing in a care facility to facilitate speech therapy, following a stroke she suffered a year ago.  There was no funeral service by request, and the Ladies Auxiliary has sent its condolences to the family.  Louisa’s generosity will be missed as she bought many knitted blankets/afghans from various bazaars and church sales for donation through the Ladies Auxiliary to the “Variety Club” for donation to various hospitals and care facilities.

Please note that the planned Fashion Show for March 6, 2020 has been postponed to the April 2, 2020 luncheon/meeting date.  The two combined ladies wear stores in Surrey, B.C., who are putting on this fashion show, “Laura’s” and Melanie Lynn,” had to cancel our March 6th date due to unexpected employee training at all of their stores on that date.  They have willingly rescheduled to present their fashion show to the Ladies Auxiliary on the Ladies Auxiliary’s luncheon/Meeting date of April 2nd.

March 5, 2020 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meeting:  This event will take place at our usual “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club” facility in Surrey, B.C.  The telephone Conveners will notify our members of the program for this meeting.  Because it is the month of St. Patrick’s Day, Ladies Auxiliary members are invited to wear something “green” for this meeting.

A Reminder to Ladies Auxiliary Members to Pay their 2020 Annual Dues:  We still have some members who have not yet paid their Annual Dues of $30.00. for Year 2020.  This may be taken care of by contacting Membership Convener, Barbara Scobie, at (604) 854-6084, or bcscobie@icloud.com, for information about how to pay your dues.  Dues must be paid now to ensure that you are a current Associate Member of the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association.

Changing of the Ladies Auxiliary Banking Institution:  In keeping with the Canadian Government’s new Income Tax requirement for the Not-for-Profit Act, the Vancouver R.C.M.P. Ladies Auxiliary’s bank account has been officially transferred from the HSBC Account to the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Bank Account at the RBC (Royal Bank).  The Ladies Auxiliary now has its own bank account under the “umbrella” of the Veterans’ account, so the Ladies Auxiliary now officially complies with Canada’s Not-for-Profit Act as a Non-Profit Organization.

To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the R.C.M.P. Veterans)www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com

Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
(604) 261-4630

In keeping with the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association’s Monthly Meeting Schedule, there was no Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meeting in January.