RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – April/May 2020 Report
(Vancouver Division)
Because we have not had a regular luncheon/meeting since March 2020, and we have not had many items to report on, this will be a combined monthly report for the months of April/May.
It is hoped that this report finds you keeping well and adhering to the many instructions and restrictions that we are facing at this time, although restrictions seem to be easing up a bit now that we are nearing the end of May. It is better to accept the remaining restrictions than to ignore them; better for our mental and physical health . . . . we will get through this!
October 1, 2020 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon & Fashion Show: We are still scheduling our Fall Fashion Show for this date, and will probably know by mid-August whether we can coordinate this event between the two ladies wear stores and “Hazelmere” to make it happen. We still plan on having our regular September 2020 luncheon/meeting at “Hazelmere” as well, and both meetings may depend on how the “Hazelmere” catering staff can provide us with a luncheon that meets the health standards imposed because of the COVID-19 epidemic . . . buffet, or individual servings, etc. You will be advised of this in a future Monthly Report.
Ladies Auxiliary Assistance in Making Non-Medical COVID-19 Masks: The Vancouver Veterans have received information from Ottawa Veterans’ Hqrts. that the Nova Scotia RCMP Veterans Ladies Auxiliary have been sewing non-medical masks for their local hospitals. They have asked if other branches of the Ladies Auxiliary would be interested in doing the same: the Nova Scotia branch have sent out instructions for making these masks. Please contact me, Dorothy, (see e-mail & telephone number below) if you are interested in making these masks for staff at our Vancouver/Lower Mainland area hospitals. It is a way for us to contribute to our community at this time.
Cards of Condolence/Sympathy, Get-Well, etc: If you know of any members of our Ladies Auxiliary who may be going through a difficult time and should be receiving cards from the Auxiliary, please contact our Sunshine Convener, Margaret Whitaker, at (604) 590-4013, or mwhitaker50@gmail.com.
Ladies Auxiliary Membership Dues for Year 2020: Please contact Membership Convener, Barbara Scobie (604) 854-6084 or bcscobie@icloud.com , if you are not sure if you have paid your 2020 Ladies Auxiliary Membership dues for this year.
To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the R.C.M.P. Veterans): www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com
Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
(604) 261-4630