RCMP Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon – September 5, 2019
The next RCMP Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meeting will be held on September 5, 2019 at the Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club, 18150 8th Avenue, Surrey, BC., with doors open at 10:30 am and a buffet lunch served at 11:45 am. The RCMP Veterans’ Past President, Donna Morse, will be the Guest Speaker on the topic of “Pillars of the Force.” This is a new initiative whereby families of RCMP members/Vets can honour them by purchasing a plaque with the name, Reg. No., etc engraved on it, to be installed in Regina to permanently honour all members of the Force.
Please advise Dorothy Martinson if you are planning on attending – demartinson@shaw.ca or by phone: 604-261-4630. The cost per member is $25.00 each and $2.00 for raffle tickets.