RCMP Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon – February 6, 2020
The next RCMP Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meeting will be held on February 6, 2020. We will be meeting in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club”, 18150 8th Avenue, Surrey, BC. and everyone is asked to be seated at 11:45 p.m. prior to the buffet lunch at noon. The cost per person for the buffet lunch remains at $25.00 each.
The Auxiliary’s 84th Birthday/Anniversary will be celebrated this date. Ladies Auxiliary members are reminded to wear something red, to also celebrate Heart Month and February’s St. Valentine’s Day.
Mr. George Garrett, an Honorary Member of the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division, will be our Guest Speaker, presenting his newest publication about his own life, titled “Intrepid Reporter.”